doktorska disertacija
Katja Pintarič (Author), Miroslav Premrov (Mentor)


V disertaciji je obravnavan problem modeliranja večetažnih montažnih lesenih okvirno panelnih konstrukcij, ki so zaradi specifične sestave stenskih elementov izredno zahtevne za natančno modeliranje. Pri modeliranju predstavljajo veliko težavo vezna sredstva med obložno ploščo in lesenim okvirjem, ki ne zagotavljajo popolnoma togega stika. V disertaciji je tako razvit enostaven računski model s fiktivno diagonalo za horizontalno analizo večetažnih lesenih montažnih okvirnih konstrukcij, ki ga uporabimo za modeliranje stenskih elementov. Računski model lahko uporabimo v cenejšem in enostavnejšem računalniškem programu za analizo konstrukcij; pri tem ni treba uporabiti kompleksnejših elementov, ki jih uporabljamo pri modeliranju po metodi končnih elementov. Model za izračun zahteva uporabo analitične formule, s pomočjo katere določimo podajnost stene ter podajnost tlačnih in nateznih podpor. Na podlagi analitične formule je nato določen ustrezen premer fiktivne diagonale. Pomemben vpliv na podajnost sten imajo tudi natezna sidra. Za določitev podajnosti nateznih sider med etažama so bile izvedene eksperimentalne preiskave dveh različnih načinov povezave med etažami. Na podlagi eksperimentalnih rezultatov so bile izpeljane ustrezne analitične formule. Računski model in izsledke raziskav smo nato uporabili v izračunu na primeru trietažne konstrukcije, pri kateri smo z uporabo različnih računskih pristopov raziskali vpliv odprtin, leseno-steklenih elementov, vertikalne obtežbe in lokacije nateznih sider na obnašanje celotne konstrukcije.


večetažna montažna okvirno-panelna lesena gradnja;montažni okvirno-panelni stenski elementi;modeliranje;računski model s fiktivno diagonalo;natezna in tlačna podpora;odprtine;računski pristop;doktorske disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [K. Vogrinec]
UDC: 624.
COBISS: 20677398 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1892
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Modelling of prefabricated multi-storey timber-frame buildings
Secondary abstract: The doctoral thesis deals with the modelling of prefabricated multi-storey timber-frame buildings, which is extremely difficult due to the specific composition of the wall elements. The biggest problem represent mechanical fasteners between the timber-frame and the sheathing board, which do not provide a fully rigid connection. In the doctoral thesis we developed a simple mathematical model with a fictive diagonal for horizontal analysis of prefabricated multi-storey timber structures used for modelling of wall elements. The computational model can be used with a cheaper and simpler computer programme for analysis of structures, as there is no need to use more complex elements, which are used in the finite element method. The calculation model requires a smaller analytical input by means of which flexibility of the walls as well as tensile and compression support is determined. On the basis of the analytical formula an appropriate diameter of the fictive diagonal is determined. The hold-down anchors have a significant impact on the flexibility of the walls. To determine the flexibility of tension anchors between floors, experimental investigations were carried out for two different types of anchoring. Based on the experimental results we derived the appropriate analytical formulas. The computational model and research findings were then used in the case study of a 3-storey building, where different design approaches were applied to investigate the effect of openings, timber-glass elements, vertical loads and locations of the tension anchors to determine the behaviour of the whole structure.
Secondary keywords: multi-storey timber-frame buildings;prefabricated timber-frame wall elements;mathematical model with a fictive diagonal;tensile and compressive support;openings;design approach;Lesene konstrukcije;Disertacije;Modeliranje;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: XXII, 144 str.
ID: 9250718
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