(zbirka vaj)
Jerneja Prostor (Author), Vesna Kranjc (Reviewer)


Študijsko gradivo v obliki zbirke vaj je bilo pripravljeno za izvedbo vaj v pedagoškem procesu pri predmetu Avtonomni gospodarski posli na drugi stopnji bolonjskega študija prava. Študenti so z vajami v tem gradivu napoteni, da najprej ponovijo teoretično znanje o določeni tematiki, v nadaljevanju pa je zajetih nekaj praktičnih primerov, z reševanjem katerih študenti preverijo, ali so predavano snov pravilno razumeli. Pri reševanju je treba uporabiti Obligacijski zakonik, Konvencijo Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga (Dunajsko konvencijo), avtonomne pravne vire in domačo ter tujo sodno prakso. Sklic na vire teh primerov skupaj z literaturo, ki jo je treba uporabiti pri študiju, je v zbirki vaj naveden pri posameznih nalogah in na koncu v seznamu literature. Zbirka obsega vaje z naslednjih področij: sklenitev pogodbe, spremenjene okoliščine in višja sila, omejitev in izključitev odškodninske obveznosti, pogodbena kazen, bančna garancija in dokumentarni akreditiv, uporaba ter sankcije za kršitev pogodbe po Dunajski konvenciji.


avtonomni pravni viri;sklenitev pogodbe;spremenjene okoliščine;odškodninska obveznost;bančni posli;Dunajska konvencija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.05 - Videolectures and teaching material
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: Pravna fakulteta
UDC: 347.71(075.8)(076)
COBISS: 85639681 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-6399-75-3
Views: 1539
Downloads: 322
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Lex Mercatoria
Secondary abstract: This study material is designed to provide sets of case studies for the course Lex mercatoria of Law 2nd bologna degree study. At the beginning of every set of case study students are directed to repeat the theoretical knowledge on the certain topic. In addition, they are provided with some practical cases, by solving which they are enabled to examine, whether they understood the lectures correctly. When working on those cases students are expected to use the Obligations Code, United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), lex mercatoria and both domestic as well as foreign case law. References to the sources of these cases and the literature, which is to be used in the study, are listed at the single task and also at the end of this study material. It consists of case studies on the following topics: formation of a contract, hardship and force majeure, limitation and exclusion of the liability for damages, penalty clause, bank guarantee, documentary credit, application and remedies for breach of contract under the CISG.
Secondary keywords: Lex mercatoria;formation of a contract;hardship;damages;banking transactions;CISG;
Type (COBISS): Higher education exercise book
Pages: 54
ID: 9250751
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