GEM Slovenija 2007
Miroslav Rebernik (Author), Polona Tominc (Author), Ksenja Pušnik (Author), Matjaž Mulej (Reviewer), Aleš Vahčič (Reviewer)


Družbeno, ekonomsko in kulturno okolje v posamezni državi pomembno vpliva na to, koliko posameznikov bo zasnovalo podjetje. Vplivajo pa tudi posameznikova motivacija, znanje in veščine, ki so potrebne za podjetništvo. Stopnja podjetniške aktivnosti v Sloveniji je še vedno relativno nizka. Bolj kot na število podjetnikov moramo svojo pozornost usmeriti na njihovo kakovost. Analiza, predstavljena v pričujoči monografiji, kot tudi rezultati raziskav, opravljenih po svetu v sodelujočih GEM državah in drugje v svetu, kažejo, da se mora podjetniška politika spremeniti od »splošne podjetniške politike« v »podjetniško politiko za rast in razvoj«, saj so podjetja, ki želijo rasti in imajo hkrati tudi objektivne možnosti za rast in širjenje tržišča, redka, hkrati pa imajo zahteve in potrebe, ki jih je treba obravnavati hitro, fleksibilno in učinkovito. »Podjetniška politika za rast in razvoj« mora biti, med drugim, izrazito selektivna, hkrati pa tudi proaktivna v iskanju tistih podjetij oziroma posameznikov v okolju, ki imajo tako motivacijo kot objektivne možnosti za rast in razvoj.


podjetje;podjetništvo;podjetnik;Slovenija;gospodarski razvoj;razvoj;razvoj podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
UDC: 005.13(497.4)"2007"
COBISS: 60616705 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-6354-76-9
Views: 1177
Downloads: 86
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Insufficient Number to Development Oriented Businesses
Secondary abstract: Social, economic and cultural environment in a particular country has a significant impact on the number of individuals who establish a business. Apart from that, the individual's motivation, knowledge and skills required for entrepreneurship play a significant role. Besides the quantity, especially the quality of entrepreneurial activity is important. The analysis presented in this publication and the results of the research carried out around the world (in GEM countries and elsewhere) show that entrepreneurial policy must shift from 'general SME policy' to 'growth-oriented entrepreneurship policy' because the businesses which have the willingness and the objective capacity for growth and market expansion are rare. At the same time, they have requirements and needs which have to be dealt with quickly, flexibly and effectively. Among other things, 'growth-oriented entrepreneurship policy' must be both highly selective and proactive in the search of those entrepreneurs in the environment who have both motivation and objective capacities for growth.
Secondary keywords: Entrepreneurship;Global Entrepreneurship Monitor;Development;Innovation-Orientation;Entrepreneurial Motivation;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: 108 str.
ID: 9250774
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, GEM Slovenija 2007
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