doktorska disertacija
Danes vlada v svetu dinamično poslovno okolje, kjer se ekonomsko-socialne spremembe odvijajo na zelo kratek rok. Da bi podjetja lahko sledila trendom sprememb, morajo prilagajati tako poslovne modele poslovanja kot izdelke trendom sprememb. Zato je zelo pomembno, da imajo podjetja razvit strateški menedžment, ki določa, v katere smeri se bo podjetje razvijalo, in kreira metodologijo za dosego zastavljenih ciljev. Koncept življenjskega cikla izdelka je eno od orodij strateškega menedžmenta in podjetju v vsakem obdobju daje smernice, ki naj bi jih uporabilo pri trženju izdelka. Zelo pomembno je, da podjetja vedo, v kateri fazi življenjskega cikla se nahaja njihov izdelek, ki ga tržijo. Pri koncipiranju platforme izdelka se podjetja opirajo na raziskave ekonomsko-socialnih parametrov. Te parametre imenujemo v doktorski disertaciji vplivni parametri, ker s svojo spremembo v času vplivajo na prodajo izdelka in od podjetja terjajo spremembo poslovnega modela, spremembo poslovne strategije ali spremembo izdelka. Izdelki, ki so koncipirani na osnovi vplivnih parametrov, zadostijo veliki večini potreb, ki so v danem trenutku aktualne. S spremembo vplivnega parametra se spremenijo tudi potrebe potrošnikov in izdelek v veliki večini primerov potrebuje prilagoditev novim parametrom. Da bi podjetja natančno vedela, v kateri fazi življenjskega cikla se nahaja izdelek, pogosto uporabljajo metode napovedovanja. Obstaja mnogo različnih metod napovedovanja krivulje življenjskega cikla. Proučevan model preslika prodajo večgeneracijskega izdelka na njegovega naslednika. Pri tem se preslikajo tudi vsi ekonomsko-socialni parametri, ki so veljali v tistem obdobju. Cilj disertacije je bil razviti model, ki bo upošteval spremembo vplivnih parametrov in podal zanesljive srednjeročne napovedi prodaje izbranega izdelka (vgradnih pečic). Bassov difuzijski model smo nadgradili, s čimer smo uspeli zajeti spremembo vplivnih parametrov. Z modelom simuliramo prodajne količine, ki za leto 2016 za 8 odstotkov odstopajo od realnih prodajnih količin. Glede na trende prodajnih količin prejšnje generacije lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da bo odstopanje med rezultati modela in realno prodajo v prihodnosti še manjše.
življenjski cikel izdelka;simulacija;napovedovanje;matematično modeliranje;sistemski kazalniki;kritična veriga;TOC;doktorske disertacije;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation |
Organization: |
UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[T. Rehar] |
UDC: |
005.41:658.511.2(043.3) |
Views: |
1461 |
Downloads: |
224 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Model for forecasting product life cycle from the system indicators |
Secondary abstract: |
Today in the world there is a dynamic business environment where the social economic changes taking place in the very short term. Enterprises must adapt business models and products in order to follow the trends of changes. Therefore, is very important that companies have developed strategic management, which determines the direction in which the company will develop and create a methodology for achieving the objectives. The concept of product life cycle is one of the tools of strategic management. Concept offer to Enterprise for each period the main strategies to be used in the marketing of the product. In the product platform design phase, companies rely on the research of social economic parameters. We call these parameters, in this paper, influential parameters because with its change in time, affect the sale of the product and they require from company to change business model or change of business strategy or to modify the product. Products which are designed on the basis of influential parameters, meet the vast majority of needs that are present in the initial time. Change of the influential parameters reflects to changes in consumer needs and product in most cases it needs to adapt to these new parameters. To know exactly at what stage of the life cycle curve the product is, enterprises often use forecasting methods. There are many different methods for forecasting the life cycle curve. Studied model transfer the sale parameters of multi-generation product to his successor. In the sale parameters are reflected all social economic parameters of that past period. The aim of this thesis was to develop a model that takes into account the change of influential parameters and delivered robust medium-term sales forecasts of built-in ovens. Based on the Bass diffusion model, we have developed a model which we have managed to capture the change of influential parameters. Simulated sales quantities deviate 8 percent from actual sales quantities. Considering the trends in sales quantities of the previous generation, we can confidently say that the deviation between the model results and real sales in 2017 will be lower. |
Secondary keywords: |
product life cycle;simulation;forecasting;mathematical modeling;system inicators;critical chain;Izdelki;Disertacije;Življenjski cikel;Napovedovanje; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Dissertation |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo |
Pages: |
87 str. |
ID: |
9577690 |