naši radovedni kotički
Eva Poklar (Author), Nada Turnšek (Mentor)


Participacija je v SSKJ-ju (2000) opredeljena kot udeležba, sodelovanje. To pomeni, da so pobude, ideje in mnenja otrok ključnega pomena za kreiranje življenja in ustvarjanja v vrtcu. Pomemben premik v razmišljanju o otrocih in upoštevanju njihovega mnenja je bilo sprejetje Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah (1989). Participacija je ena izmed značilnosti pedagoškega koncepta, imenovanega Reggio Emilia. Poleg participacije posveča posebno pozornost prostoru, pri čemer ugotavlja, da sta razgibanost prostora in projektno delo ključnega pomena (Devjak, Batistič Zorec in sod. 2009: 10–11). Navedeno pripomore k dobremu počutju otrok, sprejetosti, kar je še toliko bolj pomembno, saj otroci v vrtcu preživijo veliko časa. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredinila na opredelitev participacije ter preučila, v katerih dokumentih je omenjena in opredeljena. Zanimala me je vloga vzgojitelja v procesu zagotavljanja enakih možnosti za participacijo otrok. Predstavljena je participacija v pristopu Reggio Emilia. V nadaljevanju sem se osredinila na proces projektnega dela in aktivne udeležbe otroka v tem procesu. Povzete so ugotovitve raziskav na področju participacije. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen projekt Naši radovedni kotički. Izveden je bil kot projekt reševanja problemov odprtega tipa, v katerem so ključno vlogo odigrali otroci: načrtovali in izvajali so svoje kotičke ter ob tem spoznavali, ali so vse njihove zamisli izvedljive. Soustvarjali so kotičke in uresničevali ideje v povezavi z njihovim opremljanjem. Postavili in opremili smo štiri kotičke. Njihove želje so bile uresničene v celoti, omejeni smo bili le s prostorom in pripomočki. Na začetku je bilo njihovo razmišljanje omejeno, ker niso vajeni tovrstnega načina dela.


Reggio Emilia;projektno delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [E. Poklar]
UDC: 373.2.016(043.2)
COBISS: 11465545 Link will open in a new window
Views: 633
Downloads: 119
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Our inquisitive learning centres - children's participation in preschool
Secondary abstract: In the Standard Slovene Dictionary (SSKJ 2000), participation is defined as a presence and cooperation. This means that initiatives, ideas and children`s opinions are of key importance to establish stimulating and creative kindergarten atmosphere. The adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) marked a significant step regarding children. At Reggio Emilia pedagogic approach, the stress is set on the space. Within that it has been found out that the space diversity and project work are of vital importance. (Devjak, Batistič Zorec in sod. 2009). Everything listed above, contributes to children`s well-being and their feeling of acceptance, which is all the more important for children spend a lot of time in the kindergarten. In the theoretical part, I focused on defining the participation and studied, in which documents it is mentioned and defined. I was interested in the role of a childcare worker in throughout the process of ensuring equal opportunities for children. I presented the participation at the Reggio Emilia approach. After that I focused on the project work process and child`s active participation in that process. The research findings in the field of participation are summarized. In the empirical part, the project Our inquisitive learning centres is presented. It has been carried out as an open type project work, where the children played the key role. They planned and implemented their ideas, and recognized whether or not they are feasible. They co-created the children`s corners and realized their ideas while equipping them. We constructed and equipped four children`s corners. All their wishes were implemented, the only limitation were the space and the accessories. In the beginning, their thinking was restricted, as they are not used to this type of work.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;participation;predšolski otrok;soodločanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 9578341
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