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Urška Trstenjak (Author), Darja Thaler (Reviewer), Mirjam Ravljen (Mentor)


Uvod: Psihična priprava pacienta se začne takrat, ko se zdravnik operater odloči za operacijo ter obsega informiranje pacienta, vzpostavljanje zaupnega odnosa, spoštovanje dostojanstva, spodbujanje izražanja občutij, empatičen odnos in podporo ter ugotavljanje pacientovih potreb in pomoč pri njihovem zadovoljevanju. Medicinska sestra preživi med pripravo na operacijo s pacientom največ časa, zato ima pri tem pomembno vlogo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti vlogo medicinske sestre pri pripravi pacienta na operativni poseg, opisati pomen psihične priprave na operativni poseg ter predstaviti vpliv psihične priprave na izid operacije. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Pregledani so bili strokovni in znanstveni članki, ki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo elektronskih podatkovnih baz MEDLINE in CINAHL. Uporabljeni so bili tudi priročniki in knjige. Ustreznih virov je bilo 27 v angleškem jeziku in 12 v slovenskem jeziku. Razprava in sklep: Ugotovili smo, da je psihična priprava proces, ki vodi do boljše oskrbe pacienta in hitrejšega okrevanja po operaciji. Pokazalo se je, da je zlasti predoperativna vizita medicinske sestre učinkovita metoda za zagotavljanje psihološke podpore in podajanja informacij, ki pripomore h krajši dolžini bivanja, zmanjša potrebo po zdravilih ter poveča zadovoljstvo pacienta. Za preprečevanje stresa in strahu pri pacientih se je v nekaterih raziskavah izkazala kot primerna metoda tudi poslušanje glasbe.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;predoperativno obdobje;komunikacija;stres;operacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [U. Trstenjak]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5227371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3400
Downloads: 1109
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of the nurse in psychological preparation of the patient for surgery
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Psychological preparation of the patient begins when the doctor decides to proceed the surgery and includes informing the patient, creating a trustful relationship, respecting the patients' dignity, encouraging expression of the feelings, empathic attitude and support as well as determining the patients' needs and help them to satisfy. The nurse spends during the preparation most of her time with the patient; therefore, she plays an important role. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to define the role of the nurse in preparing the patient for the surgery, described the importance of psychological preparation and described the impact of psychological preparation on the outcome. Methods: The descriptive method was used in this thesis. We reviewed professional and scientific papers, which were obtained by means of electronic databases MEDLINE and CINAHL. The manuals and books have been used in this paper as well. We found 27 suitable resources in English and 12 in Slovenian language. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that psychological preparation is a process, which can lead to better care of the patient and faster recovery after surgery. Especially the preoperative visit of the nurse is an effective method for providing psychological support and information and contributes to a shorter length stay, reduces the need of medication and increases patient satisfaction. For maintain comfort and to promote healing the music has been described in some researches as a non-invasive therapeutic intervention.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;preoperative period;communication;stress;surgeries;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 19 str.
ID: 9585666