magistrsko delo
Tomaž Jerebic (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Obdobje elektronskega poslovanja predstavlja s stališča prenove poslovanja za podjetje izziv. Od podjetja, ki se želi vključiti v sodobno obliko poslovanja, zahteva temeljit premik in razmislek o poslovni doktrini. V magistrskem delu so obravnavane vrste in oblike elektronskega poslovanja, poslovni modeli ter njegove prednosti in slabosti. Proces uvedbe in uporabe informacijske tehnologije v podjetju imenujemo informatizacija poslovanja. Le-ta mora biti usmerjena v zagotavljanje konkurenčne prednosti podjetij oziroma k prenovi izvajanja poslovnih procesov. Poiskali bomo torej razloge za uvedbo elektronskega poslovanja, izvedeli nekaj več o poteku uvajanja ter ugotovili, kateri pogoji morajo biti izpolnjeni za uspešno uvedbo elektronskega poslovanja. Zaradi odvisnosti poslovanja podjetij od interneta in tesno povezane tehnološke infrastrukture bodo uspešna le podjetja, ki bodo sposobna izvesti procesno usmerjeno prenovo poslovanja. Ta se kaže na tehnološko in organizacijsko pogojeni poslovni strategiji ter spremembi obstoječe poslovne arhitekture. Vse bolj opažamo, da bodo zmagovalci globalno usmerjenega konkurenčnega gospodarstva tisti, ki bodo sposobni opraviti to prenovo. Podrobneje bomo torej opredelili poslovne procese, njihovo modeliranje, nato pa prešli na prenovo poslovnih procesov. Izvedeli bomo, kateri kadri so prisotni pri prenovi, kako le-ta poteka, kako izgledajo prenovljeni poslovni procesi ter na kakšna tveganja moramo biti pozorni. Z magistrskim delom bomo skušali prikazati, kako vpliva uvedba elektronskega poslovanja na izvajanje poslovnih procesov. Ugotovili bomo predvsem, kakšen vpliv ima le-ta na prodajni proces v podjetju.


elektronsko poslovanje;prodaja;poslovni proces;prenova;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Jerebic]
UDC: 004.738.5:005.4(043.2)
COBISS: 12740124 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1141
Downloads: 178
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of electronic business on sales process of the company
Secondary abstract: The period of electronic business from the perspective of business renovation is an enterprise challenge. From the company that wishes to participate in a modern form of business requires a thorough displacement and reflection on the business doctrine. The thesis deals with types and forms of e-commerce, business models and its advantages and disadvantages. The process of introduction and use of information technology in a company is called business computerization. It should be aimed (centered, concentrated) at providing a competitive advantages of companies or to renovation of business processes. Therefore we will find reasons for the introduction of electronic business, learn something more about the course of introduction and identify which conditions must be fulfilled (satisfied) for a successful introduction of electronic commerce (business). Due to the dependence on business from the internet and closely related technological infrastructure, will be successful only the companies, that will be able to carry out a process oriented business transformation. This is reflected in the technological and organizational conditions of business strategy and the modification of existing business architecture. Increasingly we notice that the winners of globally oriented competitive economy will be those, who will be able to carry out this renovation. Therefore we will detail define business processes, their modeling and then we will switch to renovation of business processes. We will find out which personnel are present in renovation, how it will run out, how they look renovated business processes as well as which risks we must be vigilant at. The thesis will try to demonstrate the impact of the electronic business in the execution of business processes. Mainly we will determine its implications in the sales process of the company.
Secondary keywords: Electronic business;introduction of e-business;business restructuring;business processes.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 72 str.
ID: 9588473