magistrsko delo


Velikokrat slišimo izraz, da so spremembe v današnjem svetu edina stalnica. Nenehne spremembe se dogajajo tudi v zvezi s poslovnimi procesi v podjetjih. Vzroki za spremembe poslovnih procesov so različni; večinoma so povezani z ohranjanjem ali povečevanjem konkurenčnosti na trgu, povečevanjem stroškovne učinkovitosti, prilagajanjem novim zakonodajnim zahtevam, novim informacijskimi rešitvam in podobnim. Podjetja s prenovo poslovnega procesa sledijo trem temeljnim ciljem po višji kakovosti, krajšem času in nižjih stroških. V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na celovite poslovne rešitve ERP, z uvedbo katerih se v podjetju spremeni poslovni proces. Cilj teh sprememb sta racionalizacija in optimizacija poslovanja. Na trgu se pojavlja veliko število ponudnikov celovitih poslovnih rešitev, ki po navadi vključujejo računovodske informacijske sisteme. Eden izmed najprepoznavnejših ponudnikov teh rešitev na svetu je nemško podjetje SAP, ki ga predstavljamo v magistrskem delu. Osrednja tema magistrske naloge je racionalizacija procesa spremljanja in evidentiranja potnih nalogov v izbrani banki. V prvem delu, ki se navezuje na potne naloge, preučujemo zakonodajo na tem področju v Sloveniji, ki obsega dokaj veliko število pravnih aktov, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri poslovnem procesu. Analiza racionalizacije procesa spremljanja in evidentiranja potnih nalogov v izbrani banki je povezana z uvedbo novega modula FI-TV v obstoječ aplikacijski sistem SAP. V nalogi opisujemo postopne spremembe procesa in analiziramo uspešnost racionalizacije. Proces se je od leta 1998 do danes spremenil trikrat. Z izvedbo poslovne raziskave ugotavljamo, da je nov proces spremljanja in evidentiranja potnih nalogov lažji in do izpolnjevalcev potnih nalogov prijaznejši, da se je po mnenju izpolnjevalcev potnih nalogov z uvedbo novega modula FI-TV zmanjšala možnost napak, ugotavljamo pa tudi, da se je čas obdelave enega potnega naloga v primerjavi s starim procesom skrajšal. Iz tega sledi, da se je proces spremljanja in evidentiranja potnih nalogov v izbrani banki racionaliziral.


poslovni proces;informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;SAP;potni nalogi;racionalizacija;zakonodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Štruc]
UDC: 657:004(043.2)
COBISS: 12735004 Link will open in a new window
Views: 889
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of streamlining the process of monitoring and recording travel orders in a selected bank
Secondary abstract: We often hear that changes are the only constant in the modern world. Business processes in enterprises are exposed to constant changes too. The reasons for the changes in business processes are different. Most of them are connected to maintaining or increasing competitiveness in the market, increasing cost-effectiveness, adapting to new legislative requirements, new IT solutions and similar conditions. Companies with the business process renovation follow three fundamental objectives for higher quality, shorter time and lower costs. This master’s thesis focuses on comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) business solutions, with the introduction of which the business process is changed in the company. The aim of these changes is to streamline and optimize operations. A large number of providers of integrated business solutions that typically include accounting information systems appear in the market. One of the most recognized providers of these solutions in the world, the German company SAP (Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing), is presented in the thesis. The central theme of the master’s thesis is to streamline the process of monitoring and recording of travel orders in a selected bank. In the first part which is linked to travel orders, Slovenian legislation in this field is closely studied. The legislation comprises of a relatively large number of legal acts that should be considered in the business process. The streamlining analysis of the monitoring and recording process of travel orders in a selected bank is associated with the introduction of the new financial sub-module FI-TV (Travel Management) into the existing SAP application system. Gradual changes of the process are described and the success of streamlining is analysed in the thesis. The process has changed three times since 1998 until now. By carrying out the business research, we find that the new process of monitoring and recording of travel orders is friendlier and easier for the persons processing the orders. The occurrence of mistakes and errors in processing travel orders has been significantly reduced with the introduction of the new module FI-TV. It has been also noted that the processing time of one travel order compared to the old process has been shortened. Therefore the process of monitoring and recording of travel orders in the selected bank has been streamlined.
Secondary keywords: business process;information systems;accounting information systems;ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning;travel orders;SAP;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 64 str., 16 str. pril.
ID: 9588578