diplomska naloga
Kaja Moličnik (Author), Mitja Košir (Mentor), Luka Pajek (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo predlagali način energetske prenove stare domačije, ki je bila zgrajena leta 1869. S pomočjo meritev in pregleda konstrukcijskih sklopov, smo pripravili načrte ter opisali trenutno stanje domačije. S pomočjo spletnega mesta www.u-wert.net, smo izračunali toplotne prehodnosti konstrukcijskih sklopov. S pridobljenimi rezultati in geometrijskimi značilnostmi stavbe, smo izdelali energetsko bilanco trenutnega stanja. Energetska bilanca je bila izvedena s pomočjo programskega orodja TOST, ki je namenjen izračunu energetske bilance stavbe po Pravilniku o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah, upoštevajoč SIST EN ISO 13790 in TSG-1-004:2010. Energetska bilanca trenutnega stanja ni bila ustrezna, rezultati so bili pričakovani. Pred pripravo energetske prenove smo izvedli analizo osončenosti stavbnega ovoja. Analizo osončenosti smo izvedli s programskim orodjem SketchUp, v katerem s pomočjo zemljevidov s spletnega mesta maps.google.com in vmesnikom LSS Chronolux, analiziramo vpad direktnega sončnega sevanja, na izbrane točke stavbnega ovoja. Po analizi osončenosti smo pripravili predlog energetske prenove stare domačije. Energetsko prenovo smo izvedli tako, da smo izboljšali energetsko učinkovitost stavbe ter v čim večji meri ohranili trenutni izgled domačije. Energetsko bilanco smo računali na dva načina – odvisno od lege toplotne izolacije v stavbnem ovoju (znotraj, zunaj). S predlogom energetske prenove, smo izboljšali energetsko učinkovitost stavbe. Energetska bilanca v primeru položaja toplotne izolacije zunaj in v primeru položaja toplotne izolacije znotraj je bila ustrezna. Spremembe so bile majhne - v območju okvirno desetih odstotkov.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;energetska prenova;osončenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [K. Moličnik]
UDC: 620.9:728.6(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 8000353 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1822
Downloads: 595
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Energy renovation of a homestead built in 1869
Secondary abstract: In the graduate thesis, we made a preposition of energetic renovation of an old homestead, which was built in 1869. A preliminary study was carried out to assess the situation. We took measurements of the building, which we have used in the preparation of plans and construction sets. With the help of the web site www.u-wert.net, we made an analysis of the energy balance. After the analysis of the current materials and with the help of the geometrical characteristics, we made an analysis of the energy performance. Energy performance calculations were carried out with the help of a software tool known as TOST, which is devoted to calculate energy balance of a building by PURES 2010, SIST EN ISO 13790 and TSG-1-004:2010. The energy performance of the current situation was not appropriate, the results were expected. After the energy performance calculations, we made the analysis of insolation with software tool SketchUp LSS Chronolux. With its help we analysed the effects of insolation at chosen points on building envelope. After the analysis of insolation, we prepared a preposition of energy renovation of the old homestead. We carried out energy renovation with energy efficiency improvements and retained the current appearance of the homestead in the best possible way. We calculated the energy performance for two different modes – depending on the position of the thermal isolation within the exterior wall. With preposition of energy renovation we improved energy efficiency of the building. Energy performance of both cases – position of thermal isolation on the outside or on the inside was suitable, differnces were small - approximately ten percent.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;energetic renovation;insolation;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 42 str.
ID: 9588623