magistrsko delo
Marjeta Trček (Author), Emica Farago (Mentor), Damjana Kogovšek (Co-mentor)


V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene pojavne oblike dizartrije in njihov vpliv na posamezne govorne funkcije. V nadaljevanju so zbrane različne metode dela in druge aktivnosti, ki sledijo smernicam celostne logopedske obravnave oseb z dizartrijo, kar vključuje obravnavo, usmerjeno na govorca (korekcija telesne drže in relaksacija, dihanje, fonacija, resonanca, artikulacija, prozodija ter raba nadomestne in dopolnilne oblike komunikacije), ter obravnavo, usmerjeno na komunikacijo in področje svetovanja. Logopedsko delo na področju dizartričnega govora mora slediti načelom celostne obravnave, saj sta le tako zagotovljena celovit pristop k rehabilitaciji komunikacijskih spretnosti in opolnomočenje posameznika za ponovno vključevanje v širše družbeno okolje. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil oceniti govorno funkcioniranje gospoda z dizartrijo, natančno opisati njegove težave na področju govora in komunikacije ter izdelati nabor metod dela na posameznih področjih govornih funkcij, oškodovanih pri pojavu dizartričnega govora, kot del celostne intenzivne logopedske obravnave z namenom povečanja razumljivosti govora in spodbujanja komunikacije v odrasli dobi. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena študija primera 62-letnega gospoda z dizartrijo, ki je februarja 2014 utrpel travmatsko poškodbo glave. Logopedska obravnava je trajala 10 mesecev in je bila usmerjena predvsem na področja dihanja, fonacije in komunikacije. Govorno funkcioniranje gospoda z dizartrijo je bilo ocenjeno s protokolom Robertson Dysarthria Profile. Natančneje sta bili spremljani področji dihanja in fonacije z objektivno in subjektivno oceno glasu (akustična analiza glasu in GIRBAS lestvica). Rezultati na vseh opazovanih področjih kažejo: podaljšanje izdiha, ustreznejšo koordinacijo dihanja in fonacije, mehkejšo fonacijo, ustreznejšo višino glasu, manj zlomov glasu, zmožnost artikulacije večine glasov in večjo mero samoiniciativnosti pri komunikaciji. Napredek ne omogoča funkcionalne rabe govora, zato se je logopedska obravnava usmerila v uvajanje elektronskega komunikacijskega pripomočka z ustrezno programsko opremo.


travmatska poškodba glave;dizartrija;logopedska obravnava;motorična govorna motnja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Trček Kavčič]
UDC: 616.89-008.434.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11481417 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1276
Downloads: 228
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Holistic treatment of adults with dysarthria after traumatic brain injury
Secondary abstract: The theoretical part of the master’s thesis includes a presentation of the various forms of dysarthria and the effect they have on individual speech functions. It is followed by a collection of assorted methods of work and other activities that follow the guidelines of integral speech therapy for individuals suffering from dysarthria, which includes treatment aimed toward the speaker (correction of posture and relaxation, breathing, phonation, resonance, articulation, prosody and the use of alternative and complementary forms of communication), treatment focused on communication and the field of counselling. Logopedic work in the area of dysarthria has to follow the principle of comprehensive treatment. It is only by doing so that a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of communication skills and the empowerment of an individual for reintegration into the wider social environment can take place. The aim of this master’s thesis was to evaluate the speech function of a gentleman with dysarthria, to accurately describe his problems in the field of speech and communication, and to create a set of working methods in specific areas of speech functioning that had been harmed with the emergence of dysarthria as part of a comprehensive intensive speech therapy treatment with the aim to increase intelligibility of speech and to encourage communication during the period adulthood. The empirical part presents the case study of a 62-year-old gentleman with dysarthria, who had suffered a traumatic head injury in February 2014. Speech therapy lasted 10 months and was focused primarily on the areas of breathing, phonation and communication. The patient’s speech functions were estimated by means of the Robertson Dysarthria Profile. More specifically, areas of breathing and phonation were monitored with the objective and subjective voice evaluation (acoustic analysis of voice and GIRBAS scale). The results in all monitored areas show: extension of exhalation, adequate coordination of breathing and phonation, softer phonation, a more adequate voice pitch, less voice breaking, the ability to articulate the majority of sounds and a greater degree of self-initiative in communication. The progress does not allow the functional use of speech, which is why speech therapy has been focused on introducing an electronic communication device with the appropriate software.
Secondary keywords: brain injury;adult;možganska poškodba;odrasli;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Logopedija in surdopedagogika
Pages: 111 str.
ID: 9590703