diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija


Mladoletniki v vsaki družbi predstavljajo samosvojo in razpeto družbeno skupino. Skupino, ki stoji na meji med zahtevami okolice po odgovornosti, zrelem obnašanju ter sledenju normam na eni strani in nedoraslosti na drugi. Nekateri se pritiskom družbe bolj uklanjajo oz. se z njimi soočajo na družbeno sprejemljiv način ter brez izrazitih odstopanj prehodijo obdobje mladosti. Spet drugi pa v svojem nestrinjanju in iskanju mej z izvajanjem različnih deviantnih ravnanj prekoračijo tudi zakonsko začrtane okvire. Zaradi same stopnje (predvsem psihičnega) razvoja so tudi kazenskopravni sistemi po svetu že davno spoznali, da je mladoletnike nujno obravnavati na drugačen način. Slovenski Kazenski zakonik iz leta 2008 je v drugem odstavku 5. člena predvidel posebni zakonik, ki bi določal kazensko odgovornost mladoletnikov. Ker Slovenija takšnega zakona še nima, kazenski postopek proti mladoletnim storilcem kaznivih dejanj temelji na določbah Zakona o kazenskem postopku ter Kazenskega zakonika. Slednji tudi določa, da je namen obravnave mladoletnih storilcev v prvi vrsti vzgoja, prevzgoja in pravilen razvoj ter spoznanja o njegovi osebnosti. V ospredju je torej pomoč mladoletnikom. Z diplomskim delom smo skušali preko analize samega postopka proti mladoletnim storilcem kaznivih dejanj prikazati njegove posebnosti. V nalogi smo med drugim v okviru prve hipoteze ugotavljali, da se težnja k vzgoji, prevzgoji in pravilnemu razvoju mladoletnika v kazenskem postopku najbolj izraža pri izbiri vzgojnega ukrepa kot sankcije. Pri drugi hipotezi smo trdili, da imajo teža in značilnosti storjenega kaznivega dejanja mladoletnika močan vpliv na izbiro vzgojnega ukrepa in kazni. To hipotezo smo delno potrdili. V sklopu tretje hipoteze pa smo potrdili, da mehanizmi odvračanja zmanjšujejo stigmatizacijo mladoletnih prestopnikov.


kazniva dejanja;mladoletni storilci;kazenski postopek;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: B. Volčanšek]
UDC: 343.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3328746 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1507
Downloads: 360
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Criminal procedure against juvenile offenders and its specifics
Secondary abstract: In every society, juveniles represent an individual social group, torn between the society's requirements of responsibility, mature behaviour and following norms on one side and immaturity on the other. Some of them bend more under the pressure of the society or face it in socially more acceptable manner and get through the period of adolescence without significant deviations. Then there are others who, in their disagreement with behavioural norms, are trying out the limits by acting deviantly and are even breaking the law. Due to their stage (mainly psychological) of development, the criminal justice systems around the world have long ago realized that juveniles should be treated in a different manner. The second paragraph of Article 5 in Slovenian Criminal Code from 2008 suggests a special code that could determine the criminal liability of juveniles. Since Slovenia does not have such a law, the criminal proceedings against juvenile offenders are based on the legal provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act and the Criminal Code. The latter also stipulates that the main purpose of juvenile criminal proceedings is education, correctional education, proper personality development as well as awareness of their own personality. The focus is therefore on helping the juveniles. This thesis strives to present features of the procedure against juvenile offenders on the basis of its analysis. In the framework of the first hypothesis, we established, inter alia, that tendency toward education, correctional education and proper development of juveniles in criminal proceedings best reflects in the selection of an educational measure. In the second hypothesis, we argued that severity and characteristics of a juvenile criminal offense have a strong influence on the selection of an educational measure and a penalty. This hypothesis was partially proven. In the context of the third hypothesis, we confirmed the fact that diversion reduces the stigmatization of juvenile offenders.
Secondary keywords: juvenile criminal law;juvenile delinquency;criminal procedure;diversion;preparatory process;social welfare authority;juvenile panel;educational measures;legal remedies;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 41 str.
ID: 9591575