diplomsko delo
Špela Mirtič (Author), Helena Korošec (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge predstavim različne vrste lutk, metode dela in načine uporabe lutke. Opišem, zakaj je lutka v vrtcu pomembna za otroke in vzgojitelje, kakšna je njena vloga in zakaj je zgodnje srečanje z njo tako pomembno. Lutke pri otroku namreč spodbujajo kreativno izražanje, domišljijo in ustvarjalnost. Preko nje lahko sproščajo strahove in frustracije in hkrati razvijajo pozitivno samopodobo ter krepijo samozavest. Pomagajo jim tudi pri oblikovanju socialnih veščin in vzpostavljanju večsmerne komunikacije, ob tem pa se poveča tudi občutek za čustva drugih. V empiričnem delu najprej predstavim rezultate raziskave o uporabi lutk v vrtcu Mojca v Ljubljani, ki sem jih pridobila z anketnimi vprašalniki. Rezultati raziskave niso potrdili mojih predvidevanj, saj se, glede na odgovore anketiranih, lutke pri delu v vrtcu pojavljajo pogosteje, kot sem pričakovala. Rezultate tudi grafično in opisno predstavim. V nadaljevanju empiričnega dela predstavim še projekt »Lutka – moj prijatelj«, ki sem ga izvedla v skupini otrok, starih 3–4 leta. Spoznavali smo različne vrste lutk ter jih sami izdelovali. Veliko poudarka je bilo na prosti igri z različnimi lutkami in izdelavi lutkovnega kotička v sobi. Kot nadgradnjo kotička pa smo izdelali »potujoči« lutkovni kotiček, ki lahko potuje tudi v druge skupine in enote vrtca. V sklopu projekta smo si ogledali tudi lutkovno predstavo, ki so jo pripravili starši, in za zaključek še profesionalno lutkovno predstavo v Lutkovnem gledališču Ljubljana. Namen projekta je bil predvsem ustvariti pozitiven in sproščen odnos med mano in otroki, saj sem v skupino prišla pred kratkim. Preko lutke sem pridobila zaupanje otrok in z njimi »stkala« posebno vez. Projekt je prispeval tudi k razvoju domišljije in ustvarjalnosti – tako pri meni kot pri otrocih.


izdelava lutk;igra z lutkami;lutkovni kotiček;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Mirtič]
UDC: 373.2:792.97(043.2)
COBISS: 11488841 Link will open in a new window
Views: 913
Downloads: 132
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Using puppets in different age groups of children in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of my thesis I present different types of puppets, work methods and ways of usage of the puppet. I describe why a puppet in kindergarten is important for children and teachers, what its role is and why an early interaction with the puppet is so important. Puppets particularly stimulate the children’s creative expression, imagination and creativity. They can use the puppet to release their fears and frustrations and at the same time develop a positive self-image and strengthen their self-confidence. Puppets also help them develop social skills and establish a multidirectional communication, while also increasing their sensibility towards the feelings of others. In the empirical part I first present results of the research about the usage of puppets in kindergarten Mojca, in Ljubljana, which I acquired through a survey questionnaire. The results did not confirm my early predictions, as the answers to the questions showed that they use puppets more often than I anticipated. The results are also graphically and descriptively presented. In the continuation of the empirical part I write about the project “Puppet – my friend” (“Lutka – moj prijatelj”), which I carried out in a group of children, aged 3 to 4. We got acquainted with different types of puppets and also made our own. A lot of emphasis laid on free playtime with different puppets and the creation of a puppet corner in the classroom. As an upgrade to the puppet corner we created a “traveling” puppet corner, which can travel into other group and units of the kindergarten. As part of the project we also saw a puppet show, performed by parents, and another professional show at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. The purpose of the project was mainly to create a positive and relaxed relationship between me and the children, as I arrived to the group fairly recently. With the help of a puppet I managed to get the trust of the children and create a special bond. The project also contributed to the development of creativity and imagination – my own and the children’s.
Secondary keywords: pre-school education;puppetry;predšolska vzgoja;lutke;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 80 str.
ID: 9593040
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