magistrsko delo
Janko Stergar (Author), Sonja Žorga (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu teoretsko raziskujem koncepta čuječnosti in supervizije. V raziskovalnem vprašanju me zanima, kakšne so možnosti integracije čuječnostnega izkustvenega učenja in čuječnostnih praks v razvojno-edukativni model supervizije. Prikažem nekatera izhodišča obeh konceptov. Pri obeh konceptih obstaja mnogoterost definicij. Podana je njuna raznolika zgodovina, konktekst in družbeni vplivi, ki so ju oblikovali. V nadaljevanju so raziskane funkcije oziroma cilji, ki jim sledita. Prikazani so njuni učinki in koristi. Izpostavljen je njun odnos do etike. Raziskane so nekatere stranpoti in kritike obeh konceptov. Podana je primerjava med supervizijo in čuječnostjo. Nakazane so možnosti integracije nekaterih dimenzij čuječnosti v polje supervizije. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni nekateri vidiki in modeli čuječnosti. Prikazane so stične točke in razlike med »zahodno« in »vzhodno« čuječnostjo. Poudarek je namenjen prikazu integriranja posameznih modelov: čuječnega učenja z izkustvenim učenjem v čuječno izkustveno učenje. Nato je prikazana integracija razvojno-edukativnega modela supervizije s čuječnostnim izkustvenim učenjem. Raziskane so možnosti vpeljave čuječnostnih praks v samo strukturo supervizijskega srečanja. Na ta način skuša magistrsko delo omenjeni model supervizije teoretično in praktično obogatiti.


čuječnost;izkustveno učenje;čuječno izkustveno učenje;čuječnostne prakse;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Stergar]
UDC: 159.913(043.2)
COBISS: 11490121 Link will open in a new window
Views: 683
Downloads: 199
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration of mindfulness and mindful practices into the developmental-educational model of supervision
Secondary abstract: The M.A. thesis explores the theoretical concepts of mindfulness and supervision. It poses the research question about the possibility of integrating mindful experiential learning and practices based on mindfulness into the developmental-educational model of supervision. The theoretical basis of both concepts offers a variety of possible definitions, which are examined in the thesis. The varied history of both concepts, as well as the context and social influences that have shaped them are presented. In addition, their functions and goals are explored, together with their effects and benefits as well as attitude to ethics. Some deviations and criticism of both concepts are also mentioned. A comparison between supervision and mindfulness is given and the possibilities of integrating some dimensions of mindfulness into the field of supervision are suggested. Next, some aspects and models of mindfulness are explored, showing the common points and differences of the “western” and “eastern” mindfulness. The emphasis is on the integration of the different models: mindful learning with experiential learning into mindful experiential learning. The possibilities of introducing the practice of mindfulness into the very structure of the supervision meeting are explored. In conclusion, the M.A. thesis offers a theoretical and practical contribution to the existing model of supervision.
Secondary keywords: supervision;supervizija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Supervizija, osebno in organizacijsko svetovanje
Pages: 105 str.
ID: 9593258