magistrsko delo
Dokazni postopek kot ena izmed faz kazenskega postopka je njegov pomemben del, saj so predstavljeni dokazi oziroma dokazna sredstva podlaga za kasnejšo odločitev v konkretni kazenski zadevi. Gre za psihološki proces, ki se giblje med določenimi stopnjami verjetnosti ter katerega namen je dognanje resnice. Resnico o obstoju pomembnega dejstva pa lahko pridobimo iz dokaznih sredstev.
Namen dokaznega postopka je ugotovitev pravno pomembnih dejstev za zakonito sodbo. V kontinentalnih pravnih redih velja sodnik kot aktivni in pasivni subjekt postopka, kjer priskrbuje dokaze po uradni dolžnosti, medtem ko v anglo-ameriških sistemih te pristojnosti zbiranja dokazov ne poznajo. Preko zagovora in zaslišanja obdolženca, prič, izvedencev in listin pridemo do ugotovitve obstoja dejstev, ki kasneje služijo kot podlaga za odločitev sodišča. Vendar vsak dokaz tudi ni zakonito pridobljen, moramo se zavedati dejstva, da če sodišče želi priti do zakonite odločbe, jo mora pridobiti na podlagi zakonito pridobljenih dokazov. Torej nezakoniti dokazi ne smejo biti podlaga za odločanje o kazenski odgovornosti obdolženca. Ti nezakoniti dokazi so predmet ekskluzije ali izločitve dokaza iz kazenskega postopka, saj sodišče ne sme uporabiti zoper obdolženca neustavno ali nezakonito pridobljenih dokazov. Vendar vsako pravilo pozna določene izjeme, ki jih je razvila predvsem ameriška sodna praksa in jih kontinentalni pravni sistemi ne poznajo. Kadar pa do ekskluzije dokazov ne pride pravočasno, obstaja določena nevarnost psihološke okužbe sodišča z nezakonitimi dokazi in nevarnost odločanja o zadevi na podlagi teh nedovoljenih dokazov.
Zato bo v nalogi predstavljen slovenski sistem, kot predstavnik kontinentalne skupine sistemov, in ameriški sistem, na podlagi teh dveh bodo podane razlike med enim in drugim. Čeprav v obeh sistemih prihaja do sodbe, še ne pomeni, da je sam potek postopka, kako je prišlo do te odločitve, enak v obeh sistemih.
dokazni postopek;ekskluzija dokazovđ;nezakoniti dokazi;psihološka okužba;doktrina sadežev zastrupljenega drevesa;sodnik;Združene države Amerike;porota;argumentacija sodbe;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[M. Šeruga] |
UDC: |
343.14(043.3) |
Views: |
1171 |
Downloads: |
160 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Evidence procedure, comparative legal regulation of criminal procedure in the united states of america and republic of slovenia |
Secondary abstract: |
Evidence procedure is one of the stages of criminal procedure and is an important part of it since there are evidence presented for a subsequent decision taken in a specific criminal case. It is a psychological process that moves among certain degrees of probability, and whose purpose is knowledge of the truth. The truth about the existence of an important fact may be obtained from the evidence.
The purpose of evidence procedure is finding legally significant facts for legal judgment. In continental legal orders a judge is an active and passive subject of proceedings in which evidences are provided ex officio, while in the Anglo-American system, such competence of gathering evidences is not familiar with. Since the hearing of the accused one, and with witnesses, experts and documents, we can conclude the existence of facts, which later serves as the basis for the Court's decision. But, we need to be aware of the fact, that if the Court wants to get a lawful decision or judgment, it must obtain a legally gained evidence. Therefore, illegal evidence are not a basis for making decision on the criminal liability of the accused. Those illegal evidence are subject to exclusion of evidence in the criminal procedure, since the Court cannot use unconstitutional or illegal evidence against the accused. But every rule is familiar with a number of exceptions, mainly developed by American case law and of which the continental legal systems are not familiar with. When, however, the exclusion of evidence does not occur in time, there is a risk of psychological infection of the Court with illegal evidence and there is a risk of deciding in case on the basis of these illegal evidence.
Therefore, in the thesis will be presented a Slovenian system, as a representative of the continental system and the American system, on the basis of which, these two systems will be compared. Even though that in both systems we have judgment, that does not necessarily mean that the procedure how we came to this decision is the same in both systems. |
Secondary keywords: |
evidence procedure;exclusionary rule;illegal evidence;psychological infection;fruit of the poisonous tree;judge;United States of America;jury;argumentation of judgment.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
109 str. |
ID: |
9595562 |