(konferenčni zbornik)
Olja Arsenijević (Editor), Marko Ferjan (Editor), Iztok Podbregar (Editor), Polona Šprajc (Editor), Polona Šprajc (Reviewer), Alenka Baggia (Reviewer), Mojca Bernik (Reviewer), Alenka Brezavšček (Reviewer), Eva Jereb (Reviewer), Tomaž Kern (Reviewer), Davorin Kofjač (Reviewer), Jure Kovač (Reviewer), Gregor Lenart (Reviewer), Robert Leskovar (Reviewer), Damjan Maletič (Reviewer), Matjaž Maletič (Reviewer), Miha Marič (Reviewer), Gozdana Miglič (Reviewer), Vesna Novak (Reviewer), Uroš Rajkovič (Reviewer), Vladislav Rajkovič (Reviewer), Matjaž Roblek (Reviewer), Marjan Senegačnik (Reviewer), Branislav Šmitek (Reviewer), Marko Urh (Reviewer), Goran Vukovič (Reviewer), Borut Werber (Reviewer), Anja Žnidaršič (Reviewer)


Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljšo tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže študente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na področju organizacije in managementa. Tema letošnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanaša na širino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed področij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V času, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnološkega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temveč zaradi globalnih razsežnosti učinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprašanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in poštenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja naših organizacij. Ker smo časovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo več našim preteklim izkušnjam, je naša želja, da s srečanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s časom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.




Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.31 - Proceedings of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conference Contributions (international and foreign conferences)
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: Univerzitetna založba Univerze
UDC: 005.7(082)(086.034.4)
COBISS: 91269121 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-020-2
Views: 2022
Downloads: 320
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: 36th international conference on organizational science development
Secondary abstract: The conference on Organizational Sciences Development is a conference with the longest tradition at the University of Maribor. Each year, the conference brings together students, researchers, businessmen and public administration representatives, who are active in the area of organization and management. The theme of this year’s 36th international conference on Organizational Sciences Development is Responsible Organization referring to the wideness of an organization in its internal and external environment. The responsibility of the organization towards its employees, mission, strategy, processes, technology, and development are just a few areas in which the organization needs to follow the principles of responsibility. The identity of the organization is recognized through its versatile responsible activities, showing its value externally to the customers or recipients of the services offered by the organization. The concurrent mixture of technological and social progress influences individuals as well as the society. The impact of the organization is therefore not only local but global, making a mark on the international level. With this conference theme, we are opening new questions and seeking answers which could contribute to the progress of organizational sciences. Material influence, communications, knowledge, fairness, and nevertheless the ideal of responsible behaviour can be seen as influential factors which can contribute to occasional turbulent situations inside and outside our organizations. Since we are all caught up in moulded mind-sets, not following our experiences anymore, our wish was to keep up with the times and identify best practices, form new methods, and become familiar with the contemporary trends in organizations.
Secondary keywords: zborniki;management;informatika;organizacija;razvoj;
Type (COBISS): Proceedings
Pages: XII, 1376 str.
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-020
ID: 9595939