diplomsko delo
Lucija Gorenak (Author), Zlatka Cugmas (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga z naslovom Žalovanje predšolskih otrok ob izgubi pomembne osebe je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Z diplomsko nalogo sem želela spoznati in izvedeti, ali se v vrtcu vzgojitelji ter vzgojiteljice pogovarjajo o smrti z otroki, ali je smrt večinoma tabu tema, ki se ji izogibajo in pred to temo otroke obvarujejo, ter tudi, na kakšne načine to temo obravnavajo v vrtcu. V prvem, teoretičnem, delu diplomske naloge sem pisala o smrti in žalovanju ter doživljanju smrti in žalovanja pri otrocih. Opredelila sem, kaj je smrt in žalovanje, katere so faze žalovanja, pomoč pri žalovanju ter ali je pravilno, da otrok vidi odraslega jokati oziroma žalovati. V nadaljevanju sem pisala o tem, kako otrok razume smrt, kako otroku razložimo smrt, odziv otroka na smrt bližnje osebe ter smrt staršev ter ali naj se otrok udeleži pogreba ali ne. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela sem obravnavala pomembno temo, in sicer, kako pomagati otroku ob izgubi njemu pomembne osebe. Dodala sem tudi nekaj primerov literature, s katero si lahko pomagamo, ko se s predšolskim otrokom želimo pogovoriti o žalovanju ali smrti. V empiričnem delu sem imela s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga razdelila med vzgojiteljice ter pomočnice vzgojiteljic, namen ugotoviti, ali imajo vzgojitelji ter pomočniki vzgojiteljev izkušnje z otrokom, ki je doživel izgubo njemu pomembne druge osebe in kako v vrtcu to temo obravnavajo. V empiričnem delu so interpretirani in predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki so bili obdelani s pomočjo programa Microsoft Office Excel. Ugotovila sem, da se v vrtcih z otroki o smrti veliko pogovarjajo, vendar se te teme večinoma ne dotikajo, če to ni zares potrebno. Znajo izbrati pristope pogovora z otrokom in pomoči otroku, ki izgubi njemu bližnjo osebo.


diplomska dela;žalovanje;smrt;otroci;vzgojitelji;vrtci;čustva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Gorenak]
UDC: 159.942.5-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 23142664 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1580
Downloads: 299
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The grieving of preschool children when they lose an important person
Secondary abstract: Diploma thesis, titled Grieving of preschool children when losing an important person, consists of two parts, empirical and theoretical. By this diploma thesis I have questioned, whether and childcare workers deal with the topic of death; if they talk about it with children and in which manner or if they try to avoid it. In the theoretical part, I have written about death, grieving, and how children experience them. I have defined death and grieving, listed grieving phases, focused on how to deal with a grieving child and established if it is good for a child to see an adult cry. I continued with the topic of death; how a child understands it, how we explain it to a child, child's response to the death of a close relative or a parent, and should a child attend the funeral. I have summarized my work with some guidelines on helping a child when losing an important person in their life. I have added some useful literature to rely upon when we talk with a preschooler about death and grieving process. In the empirical part, I have analyzed the questionnaire, given to childcare workers to solve. My intention was to establish, whether preschool teachers have any experience in dealing with a grieving child as a result of a loss of an important person and how they deal with this topic in kindergarten. Results are presented in Microsoft Office Excel. My conclusion is that childcare workers actually talk about death, but only if it is really necessary. They also know how to approach and help a preschooler, if he/she loses an important person in life.
Secondary keywords: theses;grieving;death;children;preschool teachers;kindergartens;feelings;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 9599566