(magistrsko delo)
Nina Župan (Author), Gregor Štiglic (Mentor), Mateja Lorber (Co-mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2 (SB2) je bolezen, ki jo lahko preprečimo z zdravim načinom življenja. Pogosto jo spremljajo druge kronične bolezni, kot sta debelost in arterijska hipertenzija. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati pojavnost SB2 glede na starostno strukturo in preučiti povezave nekaterih dejavnikov tveganja za SB2. Metodologija: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 119 pacientov, ki so obiskovali referenčno ambulanto v severnovzhodnem delu Slovenije. Uporabljen inštrument je bil validiran vprašalnik za presejanje na področju sladkorne bolezni FINDRISC. Sestavljen je iz 8 vprašanj, ki so izbirnega tipa, z enim možnim odgovorom. Rezultati: V magistrskem delu ugotavljamo, da obstajajo povezave med stopnjo krvnega sladkorja, holesterolom, krvnim tlakom in stopnjo ocene tveganja za nastanek SB2. Starostno obdobje, ki se je izkazalo kot najbolj ogrožajoče za nastanek SB2, je bilo obdobje med 45. in 64. letom. Povezave med stopnjo krvnega sladkorja (p = 0,001), krvnim tlakom (p = 0,001) ter holesterolom (p = 0,005) in FINDRISC oceno stopnje tveganja za nastanek SB2 smo potrdili tudi s pomočjo korelacijskih testov. Sklep: Glede na trenutno situacijo in strm vzpon prevalence SB2 so strategije za zmanjšanje pojavnosti SB2 z zgodnjim odkrivanjem dejavnikov tveganja bistvenega pomena. S tem tudi vprašalnik FINDRISC, ki je dostopen vsem, ne samo v RA pri preventivnem pregledu, ampak tudi na spletnih straneh. Vsekakor pa obstajajo možnosti za optimizacijo omenjenega vprašalnika, predvsem na podlagi zbiranja podatkov, ki so specifični za slovensko populacijo, v elektronski obliki. Takšna zbirka podatkov bi omogočila razvoj novih presejalnih testov, ki bi bili prilagojeni specifikam populacije in trenutnega časa ter aktualni prevalenci SB2.


FINDRISC;metabolični sindrom;sladkorna bolezen tipa 2;diagnoza;presejalni testi za sladkorno bolezen;pregled;zdravstvena nega;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Župan]
UDC: 579.6:616.379(043.2)
COBISS: 2325668 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1816
Downloads: 315
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Type 2 diabetes risk estimation in reference clinics
Secondary abstract: Theoretical outcomes: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a disease that can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. It is often accompanied by other chronic diseases such as obesity and arterial hypertension. The purpose of the master thesis is to investigate the prevalence of T2D in specific age groups as well as to check for relations between specific risk factors and T2D. Methodology: The study included 119 patients who attended a reference clinic in the north eastern part of Slovenia. The instrument that was used was a validated questionnaire for screening diabetes FINDRISC. It consists of 8 multiple choice questions with one possible answer. Results: In master thesis we found correlations between blood sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure and level of risk for T2D. Age bracket, which turned out to be the most threatening for the development of diabetes was a period between 45 and 64 years old. Correlations between the level of blood sugar (p = 0,001), blood pressure (p = 0,001) and cholesterol (p = 0,005) to the level of risk for diabetes were also confirmed by correlation tests. Conclusion: Given the current situation of diabetes prevalence and steep rise, strategies to reduce the incidence of diabetes early detection of risk factors are essential. And also questionnaire FINDRISC, which is accessible to all, not only in reference clinic at preventive examination, but also on websites. However, there are possibilities for optimization of mentioned questionnaire, mainly based on the collection of data that are specific to the Slovenian population in electronic form. Such a database would enable the development of new screening tests, which would be adapted to the specifics of the population and the current time and current prevalence of T2D.
Secondary keywords: FINDRISC;metabolic syndrome;type 2 diabetes;diagnosis;diabetes screening review;nursing;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: [IV], 40 f., 3 f. pril.
ID: 9599806