diplomsko delo
Matjaž Klanšek (Author), Stanislav Pinter (Author), Marko Šibila (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Co-mentor)


Trener mora imeti za kakovostno delo v nogometu širok nabor znanj z različnih področij. V nasprotju z delom v mlajših starostnih kategorijah mora pri starostnih kategorijah U17 in U19 razumeti zakonitosti športne forme, saj v teh starostnih obdobjih prihaja v ospredje tudi rezultatski cilj. Na podlagi razumevanja zakonitosti optimalne forme lahko trener načrtuje aktivnosti v različnih obdobjih tekmovalne sezone. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vse glavne vsebine, ki jih mora trener znati in razumeti za izvajanje kakovostnega procesa treniranja starostnih kategorij U17 in U19. Z njimi vpliva na razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti in specialnih nogometnih znanj igralcev. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so zato predstavljene značilnosti biološkega, telesnega in spolnega razvoja mladostnikov, saj mora trener na podlagi stopnje njihovega razvoja prilagajati vsebine vadbe. V nadaljevanju se diplomsko delo podrobneje osredotoči na vsebine nogometne tehnike, taktike, kondicije, učnih metod, vodenja procesa treniranja in ciklizacije. Z njihovim poznavanjem in razumevanjem njihovih vplivov na igro posameznika ter ekipe lahko trener metodično in načrtno razvija specialne nogometne elemente in gibalne sposobnosti, s katerimi vpliva na igralčevo nogometno znanje in oblikovanje športne forme. Drugi del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na praktični prikaz uporabe teoretičnih znanj pri procesu treniranja. Podrobneje so opredeljeni letni, sezonski, mesečni (mezocikel) in tedenski (mikrocikel) načrt, primer pripravljalnega obdobja (makrocikel) in načrtovanje samega treninga. S praktičnimi vajami so v metodičnih korakih predstavljeni tudi poučevanje taktike v napadu in obrambi ter razvijanje kondicijskih sposobnosti.


nogomet;vsebine za delo;znanja za delo;trener;osebnost;vloga;način vodenja;mladostniki;biološki razvoj;telesni razvoj;tehnika;taktika;telesna vadba;kondicijska priprava;metodika učenja;športna forma;ciklizacija;letni načrt;trening;U17;U19;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [M. Klanšek]
UDC: 796.332-053.6
COBISS: 5127601 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1056
Downloads: 949
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: As far as quality work in football is concerned, the coach has to be well versed in various fields. Contrary to working with younger age groups, the coach has to understand the laws of physical form in U17 and U19 age groups, because in these age divisions the importance of results comes to the fore. On the basis of understanding the laws of optimal form, the coach can plan activities in different periods of competition season. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present the main topics that the coach has to know and understand in order to conduct a quality training process of U17 and U19 age groups. He/she also influences the development of physical abilities and special football knowledge of players. Therefore, the characteristics of biological, physical and sexual development of the youth are presented in the first part of the diploma thesis. On the basis of the level of development, the coach has to adjust the content of training. The diploma thesis then focuses on the technique, tactics, shape, teaching methods, leading the process of training and cyclicality in detail. With their knowledge and understanding of their influences on the performance of an individual and a team, the coach is able to develop special football elements and physical abilities methodically and intentionally, which has an effect on the player’s football knowledge and the formation of physical form. The second part of the diploma thesis focuses on the practical demonstration of how to use theoretical knowledge in the process of training. Yearly, seasonal, monthly (mesocycle) and weekly (microcycle) plan, the example of preliminary period (macrocycle) and the planning of training itself are discussed in detail. The teaching of tactics in attack and defence as well as the development of physical abilities are presented methodologically and practically through different exercises.
Secondary keywords: football;football topics;physical form;yearly plan;teaching methods;the youth;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 9603406