magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
Tadeja Šinkovec (Author), Borut Werber (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen proces prenove poslovne spletne banke Link c. Izhodišče za prenovo aplikacije je SWOT analiza obstoječega stanja in zahtev. V nadaljevanju so opisani sodelovanje z zunanjim izvajalcem, prevzem programskih rešitev in ročno testiranje funkcionalnosti. Prenovljene programske rešitve smo integrirali v bančni sistem, dodaten izziv in priložnost je bila avtomatizacija zdajšnjih bančnih obdelav. V procesu testiranja smo odpravili napake, s čimer smo zmanjšali tveganja in preprečili stroške napak, ki bi jih odkrili uporabniki. Postopek testiranja ter potrditev ustreznosti delovanja aplikacije in obdelav smo prikazali v testirni dokumentaciji. Rezultata sta prenovljena spletna banka v pilotni produkciji ter analiza odzivov uporabnikov in zaposlenih. Povratne informacije so pomembne za izvajanje procesa stalnega izboljševanja, ki je značilno za uspešne in razvijajoče se organizacije. V zaključku so nakazane možnosti za prihodnje nadgradnje spletne banke Link c v povezavi z razvojem inovativnih produktov, pomembnih za obstoj in strateško konkurenčnost banke na tržišču.


spletna banka;programska oprema;zunanje izvajanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Šinkovec]
UDC: 004.4
COBISS: 7925011 Link will open in a new window
Views: 807
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Renewal of online bank software application
Secondary abstract: In my master’s thesis is presented the renovation process of the business online bank Link c. The starting point is the SWOT analysis of the current situation and requirements. Further bellow is described the collaboration with the external contractor, acceptance of programme solutions and manual testing of functionality. The renovated programme solutions were integrated into the banking system, automation of the existing banking process represents the additional challenge and opportunity. During the testing process we eliminate defects which reduced risks and prevented the cost of defects, discovered by the users. The testing process and the confirmation of adequate application performance and process are shown in the test documentation. The result is the renovated online bank in the pilot production and the analysis of responses of the users and the employees. Feedback is important to carry out a continuous improvement, which is characteristic for successful and developing organisations. The conclusion explores the possibilities for the future upgrade of the online bank Link c regarding the development of innovative products which will enable the existence and the strategic competitive position of the bank on the market.
Secondary keywords: online bank;software;outsourcing;testing;test documentation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 75 f.
ID: 9607262
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