(diplomsko delo)
Sabina Rojko (Author), Barbara Donik (Mentor), Petra Klanjšek (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena umetna dihalna pot pri otroku. Pomen umetne dihalne poti je, da se s podporo mehanskega ventilatorja pljuča dobro predihajo, ter s tem zmanjšamo kasnejše zaplete zdravljenja. S stalnimi in učinkovitimi aspiracijami pa še pospešimo okrevanje otroka, ki je na mehanski ventilaciji. Metode: Za opis izbrane tematike smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, pri čimer nam je bila v pomoč slovenska in tuja strokovna literatura. Ustrezno literaturo smo iskali po tujih bazah podatkov: Pub – Med, Chinal in Medline, kot tudi po bibliografskem sistemu COBISS.SI. Kriteriji za vključitev literature v podrobnejšo analizo so bili objavljeni članki v časovnem obdobju od 1999 do 2017, dostopnost člankov v polnih besedilih in strokovni članki, ki se nanašajo na umetno dihalno pot in mehansko ventilacijo pri otroku. Rezultati: V podrobnejšo analizo smo vključili različne članke v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Na podlagi zbrane in predelane literature smo z analizo literature (Pajnkihar, 1999) ugotovili, da je izbira pripomočkov, ki jih uporabljamo pri aktivnostih zdravstvene nege pri otroku ključnega pomena. Pomembno je, da s subglotično aspiracijo zmanjšamo pojav ventilacijske pljučnice, kar je ključnega pomena pri otroku, ki je mehansko ventiliran. Ugotovili smo, da je pri mehanski podpori otroka najprimernejša uporaba endotrahealnega tubusa s poliuretanskim mešičkom, v navezavi z aspiracijo z zaprtim sistemom, saj tako v veliki meri zmanjšamo možnost pojava aspiracijske pljučnice. Diskusija in zaključek: Medicinska sestra ima pomembno vlogo pri zdravstveni negi otroka na mehanski ventilaciji. Izvaja zdravstveno nego in opazuje otroka na mehanski ventilaciji. Oceni kdaj je potrebno otroka aspirirati, obračati, da se pljuča čim bolje predihajo in da je položaj udoben tudi za otroka. Pomembno je, da otrok dobi pravo terapijo, zdravljenje in zdravstveno nego ter oskrbo.


umetna dihalna pot;ventilacija pri novorojenčku;dihanje pri otroku;intubacija otroka;aspiracija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Rojko]
UDC: 616.2-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2342052 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1452
Downloads: 262
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Artificial respiratory passage and mechanical ventilation in children
Secondary abstract: Basis: This diploma thesis basis on the presentation of the artificial respiratory passage at a child. The importance of the artificial respiratory passage is to create efficient lungs respiration with support of the mechanical ventilation and to decrease possible medical treatment complications. With constant and effective aspirations, we stimulate the recuperation of a child who is treated with the medical ventilation. Methods: For writing this diploma thesis a descriptive method was used. We included domestic and foreign technical literature. Adequate literature was retrieved from foreign databases Pub–Med, Chinal and Medline, as well as cooperative-bibliographic database Cobiss.si. The criteria for the literature, which was included, were articles published in period of time between 1999 and 2017, their accessibility and technical articles, which refer to the artificial respiratory passage and ventilation at a child. Results: The detailed analysis consists of various articles in Slovene and English language. Based on gathered and studied literature we found out that the choice of tools, used in activities of nursing care at a child, is crucial. It is important to decrease the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia with subglottic aspiration at a child, who is mechanically ventilated. Furthermore, many studies conclude that the use of endotracheal tube with polyurethane cuff in a connection with closed system of aspiration is the most appropriate at a mechanical support of a child. Dealing this manner extensively decreases the possibility of aspiration pneumonia. Discussion and conclusion: A nurse has got a significant role at nursing care of a child treated with mechanical ventilation. She carries out the nursing care and observes the child. Her task is to evaluate whether to respirate or turn the child in order to form the conditions for the best lung respiration and comfortable position for a child. The chief aim is that a child gets the correct therapy, treatment and nursing care.
Secondary keywords: artificial respiratory;ventilation at a newborn;respiration at a child;intubation of a child;aspiration;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 31 f.
ID: 9608331