(magistrsko delo)
Majda Topler (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor), Vida Gönc (Co-mentor)


Okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom so danes prepoznavne kot resen problem sodobne zdravstvene oskrbe. Izvajalci zdravstvene dejavnosti morajo pri svojem delu upoštevati vse ukrepe za preprečitev okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Poznati morajo pravno ureditev glede okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, svojo odgovornost, in tudi svojo zaščito. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšno je znanje pri medicinskih sestrah/tehnikih zdravstvene nege glede preprečevanja okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, v eni od slovenskih bolnišnic, koliko poznajo pravno ureditev na tem področju, ali se zavedajo svoje odgovornosti in v kakšni meri poznajo varovalne ukrepe in postopke za svojo zaščito. Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo dela. Kot raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Anketirali smo 81 zdravstvenih delavcev. Za obdelavo podatkov je bila uporabljena deskriptivna statistika Hi-kvadrat in T-test. V raziskavi smo potrdili hipoteze: Izvajalci zdravstvene nege slabo poznajo pravno ureditev, ki se nanaša na okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom. Zakon o nalezljivih boleznih, ki je temeljni pravni vir v Sloveniji za obvladovanje in preprečevanje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, pozna le 12,3 % anketiranih (χ2=28,074, p=0,000). Dokaj dobro (59,3 %) poznajo program za obvladovanje in preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb v bolnišnici (χ2 =52,642, p=0,000). Medicinske sestre/tehniki zdravstvene nege slabo poznajo kazensko odgovornost, pozna jo samo 23,5 % (χ2=31,407, p=0,000). 87,6 % anketiranih zelo dobro pozna program ustanove, ki zagotavlja varnost in zdravje osebja na področju okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom (χ2=47,543, p=0,000). V zadnjih letih smo dosegli pomembne premike pri zavedanju pomena okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, še zlasti pomena higiene rok pri prenosu okužb. Medicinske sestre/tehniki zdravstvene nege slabo poznajo pravno ureditev glede okužb in tudi svojo odgovornost na tem področju. Da bomo okužbe obvladovali, oziroma jih zmanjšali na najnižjo možno stopnjo, bo potrebno vzdrževati stalen nadzor, dodatno pripraviti programe izobraževanja tako s področja zakonodaje, odgovornosti in vsebin programa za obvladovanja bolnišničnih okužb.


okužbe povezane z zdravstvom;zakonodaja na področju okužb;odgovornost medicinskih sester/tehnikov;kazenska odgovornost;odškodninska odgovornost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Topler]
UDC: 616.9:34(043.2)
COBISS: 2342308 Link will open in a new window
Views: 999
Downloads: 177
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal protection of nurses/nursing technicians in connection with healthcare associated infections
Secondary abstract: Today, modern healthcare recognizes healthcare associated infections as a severe threat. Healthcare providers must therefore take all the necessary measures to prevent healthcare associated infections. Healthcare providers must also familiarize themselves with legal arrangements pertaining to health-care associated infections, their liabilities, as well as which precautions to take to protect themselves from infections. The purpose of this research is to establish the extent of knowledge the nurses/medical technicians in one of the hospitals in Slovenia posses on prevention of healthcare associated infections, legal arrangements in this field, and to what extent they are aware of their responsibility and are familiarised with safety measures and precautions, which they can use to protect themselves from infections. Quantitative methodology was applied to execute this research. A survey questionnaire was used as a research instrument. 81 healthcare workers were interviewed. Data were processed by means of descriptive statistics and performing chi-square and t-tests. The following hypotheses were confirmed by research: Healthcare providers have poor knowledge about legal arrangements pertaining to healthcare associated infections. A mere 12.3% of respondents (χ2=28.074, p=0.000) were familiar with the Contagious Diseases Act used as a primary legal source for the management and prevention of healthcare associated infections. As many as 59.3% of respondents (χ2=52.642, p=0.00) were acquainted with the programme for prevention and management of healthcare associated infections within the hospital. Only 23.5% (χ2=31.407, p=0.000) of nurses/medical technicians were familiar with their criminal liability. 87.6% of respondents were well familiarised with the institution’s programme for ensuring personnels’ safety and health in terms of healthcare associated infections (χ2=47.543, p=0.000). In the recent years, we witnessed some significant changes when it comes to people’s awareness about the importance of healthcare associated infections, particularly the importance of hand hygiene in the transmission of infections. Nurses/medical technicians lack sufficient knowledge about legal arrangements pertaining to infections and their criminal liability related in this field. For managing infections or reducing their number to the lowest degree possible, it is necessary to establish ongoing control, provide additional education in the field of legislation, liability and the contents of the programme for managing healthcare associated infections
Secondary keywords: healthcare associated infections;legislation pertaining to healthcare;liability of nurse/medical tehnicians;criminal liability;damage liability;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: X, 77 str., 11 str. pril.
ID: 9609930
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