magistrsko delo
Sabina Žel (Author), Tone Ravnikar (Mentor)


Ludvik IX. (1214-1270), tudi poznan kot Sveti Ludvik, je bil francoski kralj. Zavladal je leta 1226, ko mu je umrl oče, prejšnji francoski kralj Ludvik VIII. Takrat je bil Ludvik IX. še mladoleten, zato je v njegovem imenu delovala kot regentka njegova mati Blanka Kastiljska. Ena najbolj znanih karakternih značilnosti Ludvika IX. je bila njegova pobožnost, o kateri lahko preberemo v več knjigah in tudi virih. Veliko truda je vložil tudi v pridobitev svetih relikvij, za katere je zgradil tudi Saint-Chapelle v Parizu. Izdelati je dal tudi razsvetljeni rokopis Stare zaveze, ki je eno najlepših umetnostnih del, ki je ohranjeno še danes. Najpomembnejši vir, ki govori o Ludviku IX., je kronika Jeana de Joinvilla, Življenje Svetega Ludvika, v kateri piše o Ludvikovem križarskem pohodu. Na svojem drugem križarskem pohodu je Ludvik IX. umrl zaradi bolezni. Ime Sveti Ludvik je dobil leta 1297, ko so ga kanonizirali. V sporih med cesarjem Friderikom II. in papeštvom je ohranjal nevtralno stanco, kar pa ni zmanjšalo spoštovanja, ki sta ga papeštvo in cesar čutila do njega. Tudi v domači Franciji se je že v prvih letih vladanja soočal s težavami, ko ga je skupina baronov celo ugrabila. Sledili so politični spori s škofi, v katerih se je izkazal kot neomajen in trden vladar. Za nadaljevanje kraljeve linije se je poročil z Margareto Provansalsko. Po njegovi smrti ga je nasledil sin Filip III.


magistrska dela;Francija;;križarske vojne;Sveti Ludvik;Louis;francoski kralj;IX;1214-1270;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Žel]
UDC: 929Ludvik IX, francoski kralj(043.2)
COBISS: 23391240 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1166
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Louis IX.
Secondary abstract: Louis IX. (1214-1270), known also as Saint Louis, was a French king. His rule began in year 1226, after the death of his father, the previous king Louis VIII. Louis IX. was a minor at the time, so Blanche the Castile acted on his behalf as a regent. One of the most known characteristics of Louis IX. was his religiousness. We can read about his religious trait in many books and sources. He put a lot of effort in acquiring many relics for which he also built Saint-Chapelle in Paris. In addition, he commissioned an illuminated manuscript Arsenal Old Testament, which is one of the most beautiful works of art that is still preserved. The most important source that writes about Louis IX. is Jean de Joinville`s chronicle The Life of Saint Louis in which he documents Louis` crusade. Louis IX. died of illness on his second crusade. The name Saint Louis came in year 1297 when he was canonized. In feuds between the emperor Frederick II. and the papacy he maintained a neutral stance, which did not diminish the respect the two had for him. He also faced difficulties in his homeland France. Very early on he was abducted by a group of barons. Next, he faced political conflicts with the bishops in which he showed he was a steadfast and strong ruler. He married Margaret of Provence to continue the royal bloodline. He was succeeded by his son Phillip III.
Secondary keywords: master theses;France;13th century;Crusades;Saint Louis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 104 f.
ID: 9631192