diplomsko delo
Maja Poredoš (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


V začetnih poglavjih tega diplomskega dela smo predstavili in opisali družinsko podjetje, njegove prednosti in slabosti ter prepletanje družinskega in poslovnega sistema v družinskih podjetjih. Opisali smo tudi družinske odnose, predstavili možne konflikte in rešitve za njihovo odpravljanje ter vpliv družinskih odnosov na razvoj družinskega podjetja. Nadalje smo opisali nasledstvo, nasledstvene možnosti ter proces planiranja nasledstva. Kot praktični primer smo v tem diplomskem delu opisali podjetje X s.p., predstavili zgodovino tega podjetja in trenutno podobo podjetja in družine. Opisali smo odnose med družinskimi člani v podjetju X s.p. in njihov vpliv na razvoj podjetja. Predstavili smo tudi potencialne naslednike tega podjetja in predlagali plan nasledstva za to podjetje. Izbrano podjetje se nahaja v obdobju, ko v podjetju sodelujeta dve generaciji. Zato se nam je zdelo smiselno izpostaviti odnose med družinskimi člani in nasledstvo v tem podjetju kot temeljni problem diplomskega dela. Ugotovili smo, da uravnoteženi odnosi med družinskimi člani bistveno pripomorejo k uspešnem poslovanju in razvoju podjetja, planiranje nasledstva pa je pogoj, ki mora biti izpolnjen za uspešno predajo podjetja v roke naslednika. Na tem mestu si upamo trditi, da smo s proučitvijo družinskih odnosov in nasledstvenih možnosti v podjetju X s.p. ustanovitelju tega podjetja pomagali oziroma mu vsaj nakazali pravo smer razmišljanja o predaji podjetja naslednikom.


družinsko podjetje;razvoj podjetja;družina;medosebni odnosi;nasledstvo;podjetje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Poredoš]
UDC: 65.011.1
COBISS: 9885724 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3814
Downloads: 929
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Problems of succession and the influence of family relations on the development of a family business
Secondary abstract: In first chapters of this diploma work we introduced and described the family business, its advantages and disadvantages and the mixing of family and business system in family businesses. We also described family relations, introduced potential conflicts, solutions for their prevention and the influence of family relations on development of family business. Furthermore we described the succession, succession options and the process of succession planning. As a practical example in this diploma work, we described a family business X s.p., we presented the history of this business, as well as the momentary picture of the family and the enterprise. We described the relations between family members in the family business X s.p. and the influence of these relations on development of the family business. We also presented the potential successors of this family business and we suggested the succession plan. The chosen family business is in the situation of changing generations. This is the reason that we chose this family business and described the family relations and the succession in this enterprise as a main problem of this diploma work. We have come to the conclusion that the balanced relations between family members help to run the business successfully and that succession planning is a condition, which has to be accomplished for successful succession. On this point we dare to say, that we helped the founder with the study of family relations and succession options in family business X s.p. or at least we gave him the right directions for thinking about the succession.
Secondary keywords: Key words: Family // business // family business // family relations // conflicts // succession // succession options // planning the succession // successors // founder.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 66 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;
ID: 985693
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