diplomska naloga
Sanja Cigler (Author), Stanislav Škrabl (Mentor), Vukašin Ačanski (Co-mentor)


Mesta, ki so želela zmanjšati gostoto avtomobilov v svojih mestnih središčih in odpraviti problem pomanjkanja parkirnih mest, so bila prisiljena uvesti nove rešitve v zagotovitvi le teh. V teh primerih se je kot najustreznejša rešitev izkazala gradnja podzemnih garažnih hiš, ki so povečala število parkirnih mest in pripomogla k odstranitvi velikega števila avtomobilov iz samih centrov, ter pripomogla k večji prepustnosti prometa v le teh. Glavna nit tega diplomskega dela je geostatična analiza konstrukcije za varovanje gradbene jame pod kongresnim trgom v Ljubljani. Na podlagi notranjih statičnih količin, dobljenih s programskim orodjem Plaxis, je izvedeno geomehansko dimenzioniranje ob upoštevanju standarda ''SISTEN 1997''. Največ pozornosti smo namenili načinom varovanja gradbenih jam, predvsem pa smo se osredotočili na varovanje gradbene jame z uporabo armiranobetonske diafragme.


geotehnika;mehanika tal;podporne konstrukcije;geotehnično projektiranje;varovanje gradbene jame;AB diafragma;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [S. Cigler]
UDC: 624.131.5
COBISS: 13294358 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3477
Downloads: 665
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Geotechnical analysis construction for the protection of the house garage building pit (cave) under Kongresni trg in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Cities that wanted to reduce the density of cars in their urban centers and remove the problem of the lack of parking spaces, have been forced to introduce new solutions in providing them. The most appropriate solution in these cases was the construction of underground parking houses, which have increased the number of parking spaces and contributed to the removal of a large number of cars from the centers and greather throughput of traffic in them. The main trade of this BP dissertation is a geostatic analysis of a construction for the protection of a building pit under Kongresni trg in Ljubljana. The geomechanical dimensioning was made onthe basis of internal statis quantities obtained with Plaxis software tool regarded to ''SISTEN 1997'' standard. We devoted most attentions to the ways of protectioning building caves, especially on a protection of a building pit with use of a diphragm walls.
Secondary keywords: geotechnics;soil mechanics;retaining structures;geotechnical projecting;building pit protection;diphragm wall;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo
Pages: X, 105 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;civil and structural engineering in general;gradbena tehnika;gradbeništvo;substructures;earthworks;foundations;tunnelling;spodnje nosilne konstrukcije (podporne konstrukcije;spodnji ustroji);zemeljska dela (ki so rezultat izkopavanja in nasipanja);temelji;gradnja predorov;
ID: 986153
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