diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Vasilij Škrlj (Author), Andrej Šoštarič (Mentor), Damjan Zazula (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga uvodoma predstavi problem velikih in kompleksnih informacijskih sistemov. Ena pomembnih nalog je nadzor nad delovanjem takih sistemov, kar rešujemo s pomočjo priporočil ITIL, kot dobre prakse in z različnimi orodji, ki so dosegljiva na trgu. V nadaljevanju so predstavljena orodja, ki so trenutno na voljo: tako komercialna kot odprtokodna. Podrobneje je predstavljeno nadzorno orodje Nagios. Jedro naloge je spoznavanje porazdeljenega transakcijskega sistema NCTS (New Computerized Transit System), ki ga uporabljajo v šestnajstih državah članicah Evropske skupnosti in služi carinskim upravam pri spremljanju tranzita blaga. V nadaljevanju naloge se seznanite tudi s pripravo in vpeljavo nadzornega sistema v carinski informacijski sistem.


nadzor;ITIL;porazdeljeni sistem;nadzor nad sistemom;procesiranje transakcij BEZ Tuxedo;aplikativne rešitve;tranzitni sistem NCTS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [V. Škrlj]
UDC: 004.774.6:336.247(043.2)
COBISS: 13657366 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2236
Downloads: 209
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Management and monitoring of the NCTS system of carinska uprava RS
Secondary abstract: Abstract In diploma thesis handling of big and complex information systems is introduced. One of the important tasks is systems operation supervision and monitoring, which can be solved with ITIL assistance as a good practice and with different tools, which are available on the market. These tools, being commercial or open–source, are promoted in continuation of the thesis. Supervision tool Nagios is presented more exactly. Core of the thesis is recognition of the division transaction system NTCS (New Computerized Transit System), which is used in 16 EU member states and serves to the customs control of the goods transit. Finally, a practical example of the customs information control system is introduced and presented.
Secondary keywords: monitoring;ITIL;distributed system;system monitoring;BEA Tuxedo transaction processing;application olutions;transit system NCTS;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: XII, 55 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;computer science and technology;computing;data processing;računalniška znanost in tehnologija;računalništvo;obdelava podatkov;computer communication;computer networks;računalniške komunikacije;računalniška omrežja;general networking applications and services;obče omrežne rešitve in storitve;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;finance;finance;public revenue;
ID: 987148
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