diplomsko delo
S sprejetjem KZ-1 je v kazenskem pravu odpravljena ureditev izgona tujca iz države v obliki sankcije. Po novem se ta v kazenskem pravu lahko izrazi v okviru pravnih posledic obsodbe. V prekrškovnem pravu je izgon tujca iz države predviden kot fakultativna stranska sankcija. Za izrek sankcije izgona tujca iz države je pristojno le sodišče, ki ima možnost in dolžnost presoditi izpolnjevanje vseh pogojev za izgon tujca - storilca, kot tudi okoliščin primera relevantnih za sprejem odločitve o izgonu. V kazenskem pravu je, po sedaj veljavni ureditvi, to naloga zakonodajalca. Presoditi mora obsodbe za katera kazniva dejanja in katere kazni so takšne, da ne glede na okoliščine na strani tujca - storilca upravičujejo nastanek pravnih posledic obsodbe, ki pomenijo izgon iz države. V prekrškovnem pravu je izrekanje sankcije izgona tujca iz države omejeno na težje prekrške. Glede na to, da se je prekrškovno pravo v razmerju do državljanov RS odpovedalo sankcioniranju s poseganjem v svobodo gibanja, je potrebno, da sodišča k izrekanju te sankcije pristopajo restriktivno. Sodišče bo šele na podlagi okoliščin primera lahko presodilo morebitno smotrnost in sorazmernost izgona tujca iz države. V kazenskem pravu se s predvideno ureditvijo uvaja obligatorni izgon. Pravne posledice obsodbe namreč nastanejo po samem zakonu, s katerim so predpisane. Brez ureditve, ki bi predstavljala odmik od te njihove temeljne značilnosti, okoliščin primera ne bo mogoče upoštevati, razen v nekaterih izjemnih primerih, ko bi obligatorni izgon bilo mogoče šteti za ustrezen, bi bilo potrebno omogočiti možnost upoštevanja okoliščin primera, na katerih bi šele nato lahko ustrezno utemeljili smotrnost in sorazmernost izgona tujca iz države. Zavedati se je potrebno, da je izgon ukrep prostostne narave, ki lahko ima za tujca hude posledice, še zlasti, če se je močno vključil v okolje v RS. Zato naj pride v poštev predvsem takrat, kadar ga okoliščine primera še posebej upravičujejo in terjajo ter je le- ta tudi sorazmeren. Pri obravnavi instituta izgona tujca iz države se je potrebno zavedati, da je Slovenija država članica EU, v okviru le-te asociacije pa je ena od temeljnih svoboščin prosto gibanje oseb. Izgon tujcev, ki jim je s pravom EU zagotovljena pravica do svobode gibanja, je zato dopusten le v okviru izjem, ki jih to pravo tudi dopušča. Tako je izgon dopusten le, če to zahtevajo razlogi javnega reda, javne varnosti ali javnega zdravja, in če posameznikovo vedenje predstavlja resnično, sedanjo in dovolj resno grožnjo, ki lahko prizadene osnovne interese družbe. Pri obravnavi teh pravnih pojmov je potreben restriktivni pristop. Zavedati se je namreč potrebno, da predstavlja ukrep izgona odmik od ene temeljnih svoboščin EU, to je prostega gibanja oseb. Obstoječa ureditev izgona v prekrškovnem pravu omogoča sodišču, da lahko dodatno upošteva omejitve, ki izhajajo iz evropske zakonodaje, ne da bi pri tem kršilo nacionalno pravo. Od predvidene ureditve v kazenskem pravu, pa bo potrebno izvzeti državljane drugih držav članic EU in njihove družinske člane, saj je le-ta namreč v nasprotju z izrecnimi zahtevami, da morajo utemeljitve izhajati iz podrobnosti posameznega primera, in da predhodne kazenske obsodbe same po sebi ne morejo biti razlog za izgon. Posebna pozornost pri odločanju o izgonu je potrebna, kadar je tujec mladoletna oseba, begunec, prosilec za azil, oseba brez državljanstva ali kadar ima v RS svojo družino. Splošna omejitev trajanja pravnih posledic, torej tudi tistih, ki pomenijo izgon tujca iz države, je pet let, od kar je bila kazen prestana, zastarana ali odpuščena, če zakon, ki jih bo predpisoval, ne bo določal krajšega ali daljšega trajanja. Ta rok teče ne glede na to, kdaj in če sploh, je bil izgon tujca iz države realiziran. Očitna pomanjkljivost te ureditve je neodmerjenost izgona glede na okoliščine primera. V prekrškovnem pravu lahko sodišče izreče izgon v trajanju od šestih mesecev do petih let in pri tej odmeri upošteva okoliščine
kazensko pravo;izgon;tujci;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2009 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[Z. Wolf] |
UDC: |
351.756(043.2) |
Views: |
6966 |
Downloads: |
481 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
In the criminal law the expulsion of an alien was eliminated as a sanction with the adoption of a Penal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (KZ-1). According to the new regulation the expulsion can manifest itself in legal consequences of a conviction.
In misdemeanour law the expulsion of an alien is regulated as optional secondary sanction. For imposition of the sanction for expulsion of an alien only court is competent, which can and has the obligation of judging the compliance with all of the conditions and the circumstances of the case which are relevant for the expulsion of an alien – offender. In criminal law is this, according to the current regulation, the task of a legislator. The legislator shall decide which convictions for criminal offences and penalties are such that these convictions, without regard to the circumstances on the side of an alien – offender, justify causing of the legal consequences of conviction which result in expulsion of an alien from the country. In misdemeanour law the imposition of a sanction – the expulsion of an alien – is limited to more severe offences. Considering that the misdemeanour law in relation to citizens of Republic of Slovenia waive to sanctions by restricting the right of freedom of movement, it is necessary that the courts impose those sanctions restrictively. The court will be able to deliberate on potential reasonableness and proportionality of expulsion of an alien only after analysing the circumstances of a single case. The criminal law introduces obligatory expulsion. The legal consequences of conviction are result of the relevant law which regulates them. Without law regulations which should represent divergence from the basic features of the legal consequences of the conviction the circumstances of the case could not be considered. Except in some exceptional cases where the obligatory expulsion could be considered as appropriate, there should be given the possibility to consider the circumstances of the individual case and based on these circumstances, the reasonableness and proportionality of the expulsion of an alien from the country could be justified appropriately. It must be considered that the expulsion of an alien is a restriction of a freedom of movement which can have severe consequences for alien, especially in the case of strong integration in social environment in Republic of Slovenia. Therefore, an expulsion of an alien should be considered appropriately, especially when it is proportional and the circumstances of the case justify and require it. In the proceedings of expulsion of an alien from the country it should be considered that Slovenia is the EU member and that in EU one of the fundamental freedoms is freedom of movement. Expulsion of an alien, which has the right for free movement provided by the EU law, is therefore allowed only in exceptional cases as regulated by the same law. Expulsion of an alien is so permissible only on grounds of public policy, public security or public health, and if the personal conduct of the individual concerned represents a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. By the consideration of these law concepts the restrictive policy is necessary. It must be considered that this measurement is a divergence from one of the fundamental principles of EU, in this case freedom of movement. The current regulation of expulsion within the misdemeanour law enables court, without breaching the national law, to additionally consider limitations which originate in EU legislation. EU member states citizens and their family members are to be exempt from Slovenian crime law regulation regarding expulsion, as this is in conflict with explicit requirements for justification to be based on the details of each case and that previous criminal convictions by itself could not be cogent reason for expulsion. When taking decision regarding an expulsion, special attention should be paid when the alien is juvenile person, refugee, applicant for asylum, stateless person, |
Secondary keywords: |
criminal law;misdemeanour law;expulsion;alien;non-refoulement principle;proportionality;legal consequences of a conviction;public policy;public security; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta |
Pages: |
49 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;particular activities of public administration;posamične dejavnosti javne uprave; |
ID: |
987659 |