diplomsko delo
Živa Planinc (Author), Anton Ogorelc (Mentor)


Turizem, ki se v zadnjih desetletjih razvija zelo hitro, je postal ključna panoga v svetovnem gospodarstvu. Je izrednega pomena, saj ustvarja nova delovna mesta in vpliva na rast bruto domačega proizvoda. Poleg tega ima turizem neposredne pozitivne učinke tudi na razvoj infrastrukture, kar posledično vpliva na mobilnost in kakovost življenja ljudi. Prav tako lahko razvoj turizma vpliva na kakovost naravnega okolja in krepitev tržne znamke države. Pospeševanje turizma ima lahko tudi vrsto negativnih vplivov na okolje in vpliva na kakovost življenja ljudi, živali in rastlin. Ti se pojavijo predvsem zaradi nesmotrnega ravnanja ljudi, ki bi radi za vsako ceno pospešili razvoj turizma. Sem lahko prištevamo nenadzorovane posege v naravni prostor in s tem rušenje naravnega ravnovesja ter onesnaževanje zraka, vode in tal. V Sloveniji načrtovalci turizma vidijo v turizmu možnost za razvoj podeželja. Pogoj za razvoj turizma na podeželju sloni predvsem na naravni in kulturni dediščini. Prav tako so za ljudi zanimive različne šege in navade lokalnega prebivalstva. Za turiste postajajo vse bolj zanimive počitnice na kmetijah, ki goste pritegnejo s svojo domačnostjo, naravo, kulinariko in doživetji. Glavne ugotovitve razvoja turizma v občini Rače-Fram: · V občini prevladujejo pozitivni vplivi turizma v primerjavi z negativnimi. · Negativne učinke turizma lahko v občini zmanjšamo z razvojnimi načrti in trajnostnim razvojem turizma. · Turizem vpliva na gradnjo in posodabljanje infrastrukture, urejenost kraja, ponudbo storitev in prepoznavnost občine. · Negativni učinki turizma se kažejo predvsem v onesnaževanju okolja z različnimi odpadki ter v povečanem prometu in hrupu, ki pri tem nastaja. · Domačini nimajo zadostnega vpliva pri snovanju turistične ponudbe v občini


turizem;turistični proizvod;ponudba;razvoj;promocija;turistični objekti;storitve;panoge dejavnosti;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Ž. Planinc]
UDC: 338.486(043.2):352(497.4 Rače-Fram)
COBISS: 10259740 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2276
Downloads: 380
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tourism development in the community Rače-Fram
Secondary abstract: Tourism has been developing very quickly in recent decades and has become one of the major branches in the world’s economy. It is of great importance since it creates new employments and has an impact on the gross domestic product. Moreover, tourism has got direct positive effects on the development of infrastructure, and consequently on the mobility and the quality of people’s lives. The development of tourism can also have an impact on the quality of natural environment, and on the recognition of the country’s trademark. At the same time tourism promotion can have series of negative impacts on the environment as well as on people. These negative impacts occur mostly because people aimlessly try to accelerate the development of tourism at any cost. This means uncontrolled interventions into natural space and consequently the destruction of natural balance, as well as pollution of air, water and ground. Therefore, tourism can have negative impact on quality of people’s, animals’ and plants’ lives. Slovenia has got lots of rural areas, which is the main reason why tourism planners see tourism as a possibility for development of countryside. Conditions which can enable rural tourism are mainly its natural and cultural heritage, as well as different customs and practices of local inhabitants. Tourists are more and more interested in spending their vacations on farms, which draw tourists’ attention with their homeliness, nature, culinary art and adventures. Main findings about the development of tourism in the community Rače-Fram: • The positive impacts of tourism prevail over the negative impacts. • Negative effects in the community can be reduced by developmental plans and sustainable development of the tourism. • The tourism has an impact on building and updating the infrastructure, tidiness of the place, service offers and recognition of the community. • Negative effects of tourism can be seen mostly in environmental pollution caused by different kinds of waste, and in increased traffic and noise. • The local inhabitants do not have enough impact on planning the tourist offer for the community.
Secondary keywords: Sustainable tourism;positive and negative impacts of the tourism;primary and secondary tourist offers community Rače-Fram.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 68 str., 3 str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;economic situation;economic policy;management of the economy;economic planning;production;services;prices;menedžment gospodarstva;gospodarsko načrtovanje;proizvodnja;storitve;production and services according to economic sectors;gospodarske panoge;tourism;turizem;social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;lowest levels of administration;local government;municipal administration;local authorities;najnižje ravni uprave;lokalna uprava;mestna uprava;lokalne oblasti;
ID: 987906