diplomsko delo
Ermina Kamenčić (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Samo ažurna in popolna zemljiška knjiga je edino jamstvo za varnost pravnega prometa na področju nepremičnin. Zemljiška knjiga je javna knjiga, ki je namenjena vpisu in objavi podatkov o pravicah na nepremičninah in pravnih dejstvih v zvezi z nepremičninami. Vpise v zemljiško knjigo delimo na glavne in pomožne vpise. Z glavnimi vpisi se v zemljiško knjigo vpisujejo pravice in pravna dejstva, s pomožnimi pa drugi podatki, za katere zakon določa vpis v zemljiško knjigo. Za pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičninah na podlagi pravnega posla je poleg veljavnega pravnega posla potrebna še vknjižba v zemljiško knjigo. Če stranke želijo vpisati lastninsko pravico na podlagi sklenjene pogodbe, morajo skladno z določbami ZZK-1 zemljiškoknjižnemu predlogu priložiti zasebne listine v izvirniku. Listina, ki je podlaga za vknjižbo, mora izpolnjevati z zakonom določene pogoje. Zasebna listina mora vsebovati zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo, overjen podpis na zemljiškoknjižnem dovolilu in potrdilo o plačilu davka. Šele take pogodbe imajo status tabularne listine. Če pa listina zgoraj navedenih zahtev ne izpolnjuje, potem vknjižba v zemljiško knjigo ni mogoča. Kadar stranka ne razpolaga z listino, ki bi bila sposobna za vpis v zemljiško knjigo, ima na voljo več načinov, ki jih lahko uporabi, da pride do listine, sposobne za vpis: vzpostavitev zemljiškoknjižne listine, sestavo posadne listine, tožbo na izstavitev zemljiškoknjižnega dovolila.


zemljiška knjiga;vpisi;lastninske pravice;notarske overitve;zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [E. Kamenčić]
UDC: 347.235(043.2)
COBISS: 3993131 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4597
Downloads: 1105
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Entries in the land register with the emphasis on the entry of proprietary right, when there is no document which enables the entry
Secondary abstract: Only the up-to-date and complete land register is the guarantee for the safety of legal traffic in the area of real estate. Land register is a public book meant for entering and publishing data about rights on real estate and legal facts concerning real estate. We divide entries in the land register per main and auxiliary entries. With main entries, rights and legal facts are entered in the land register, while auxiliary entries provide other information, which are required in land register by the law. For acquiring proprietary right for real estate on the basis of transaction, both valid transaction and entry in the land register are necessary. If parties want to enter proprietary right on the basis of the concluded contract, the submission for entry has to be accompanied by private document in the original form according to the ZZK-1. Documents which are the basis for entry have to meet the conditions stated in the law. Private documents have to include land registry permit, verified signature on land registry permit and confirmation of tax payment. Only such contracts have the status of the document enabling entry into the land register. If the document does not fulfill above mentioned legal conditions, the entry in the land register is not possible. If party is not in the possession of appropriate document that enables the entry in the land register, s/he has several ways to get such a document: the restoration of the land registry document, the composition of the contract of the recognition of title, and the lawsuit on issuance the land registry permit.
Secondary keywords: land register;entries in the land register;entry of proprietary right for real estate;the original of the private document;verification;document that enables the entry into the land register;the establishment of the land registry document;the contract of the recognition of title;the lawsuit on issuance the land registry permit;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 62 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;civil law;civilno pravo;law of realty;real rights;things;chattels;stvarno pravo;nepremičnine;premičnine;
ID: 988176
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