diplomska naloga
Andreja Nemet (Author), Zdravko Kravanja (Mentor), Zorka Novak-Pintarič (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali anaerobno digestijo mešanic japonskega dresnovca in piščančjega gnoja, ki so bile predhodno obdelane z glivo Pleurotus Ostreatus. Pred nastavitvijo eksperimentov smo določili optimalno razmerje med biomaso dresnovca in inokuluma. Nastavili smo štiri različna razmerja glede na trdne snovi in sicer: 1(D/I) = 85:15, 2(D/I) = 70:30, 3(D/I) = 50:50 in 4(D/I) = 30:70. Med procesom anaerobne digestije smo spremljali količino in sestavo nastajajočega bioplina in merili množinski delež metana, CO2 (glavni komponenti bioplina), N2 in O2 za nadzorovanje anaerobnega procesa. Ocenili smo, da je optimalno razmerje med dresnovcem in inokulumom 80:20, saj smo želeli imeti v vhodni snovi največji možni delež rastlinskih substratov. Nato smo izvedli eksperiment, kjer so bili vhodni substrati mešanice z različnimi razmerji dresnovca in piščančjega gnoja, obdelani z glivo Pleurotus Ostreatus. Namen obdelave teh mešanic z glivo je bil, da gliva z encimi pretvori bakterijam nedostopno lignocelulozo, tako iz dresnovca kot tudi stelje iz gnoja, v substrat, katerega bakterije v procesu anaerobne digestije hitreje in lažje razgradijo, pri tem pa kot produkt nastaja bioplin. Tudi med tem procesom smo merili volumen nastalega bioplina in njegovo sestavo. Pred in po anaerobni digestiji smo določevali vsebnost trdnih snovi in vsebnost hlapnih trdnih snovi. Iz podatkov o volumnu bioplina, njegovi sestavi in vsebnosti trdnih in hlapnih trdnih snovi, smo lahko izračunali različne donose metana. Izkazalo se je, da so glive ob prisotnosti dresnovca prerasle tudi gnoj in da je bil donos bioplina pri anaerobni digestiji obdelanega dresnovca nekoliko višji kot pri neobdelanem dresnovcu.


anaerobna digestija;japonski dresnovec;piščančji gnoj;lignoceluloza;encimi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Nemet]
UDC: 543.061(043.2)
COBISS: 13783574 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2952
Downloads: 235
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Anaerobic digestion of mixtures of japanese knotweed (polygonum cuspidatum) and chicken manure treated with fungus pleurotus ostreatus
Secondary abstract: This diploma work deals with the anaerobic digestion of the mixture of Japanese knotweed and chicken manure which had previously been treated with fungus Pleurotus Ostreatus. Before setting the experiments we set the optimal ratio between the biomass of knotweed and inoculum. We set four different ratios with respect to the total solids as follows: 1(D/I) = 85:15, 2(D/I) = 70:30, 3(D/I) = 50:50 in 4(D/I) = 30:70. During the process of anaerobic digestion we monitored the amount and the composition of the created biogas and we measured the amount fractions of methane, CO2 (main components of biogas), N2 and O2 to control the anaerobic conditions. We estimated the optimal ratio between knotweed and inoculum is (D/I) = 80:20, because we wanted to have as high a proportion of plant substrates as possible in the input matter. After obtaining the optimal ratio we set up an experiment, where the inputs were mixtures with different ratios of knotweed and chicken manure, now treated with fungus Pleurotus Ostreatus. The purpose of the treatment was to use enzymes to convert bacteria inaccessible lignocelluloses, both knotweed as well as bedding from manure, into substrates which bacteria degrade with greater ease and faster during the process of anaerobic digestion, where biogas is produced. During the anaerobic digestion we measured the amount and composition of the created biogas. Before and after the anaerobic digestion we measured the content of total solids and volatile total solids. From the measurements we calculated different methane yields. It turned out that fungus can grow on manure in the presence of knotweed and that the biogas yield of anaerobic digestion of treated knotweed is slightly higher than in the case of untreated knotweed.
Secondary keywords: anaerobic digestion;Japanese knotweed;chicken manure;lignocellulose;enzyme;Pleurotus Ostreatus;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XVI, 67 str.
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;chemistry;crystallography;mineralogy;kemija;analytical chemistry;analizna kemija;
ID: 988491