diplomsko delo
Jasmina Paska (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


V zadnjih letih raziskovanja dogajanja v podjetjih ugotavljajo, da je človek ključni dejavnik vseh aktivnosti v podjetju. Človeški kapital postaja vse bolj cenjen v ohranjanju konkurenčnosti na globalnem trgu. V podjetju se lahko nezadovoljstvo zaposlenih kaže v izgubi volje za delo, namernem zmanjševanju delovnih naporov, širjenju nezadovoljstva med sodelavci, izostajanje z dela, stavke,… Zato je najboljša strategija podjetja, da odstrani vzroke nezadovoljstva zaposlenih. To je možno le, če vodstvo ugotovi, kakšni so vzroki in katere skupine zaposlenih so jim najbolj izpostavljene. Tako bodo lahko zadovoljni zaposleni sledili svojim ciljem in ciljem podjetja ter pokazali svojo učinkovitost in tako prispevali največ k uspešnosti podjetja. Ključnega pomena za uspešno delo so predvsem medosebni odnosi med zaposlenimi. Da bi se zaposleni dobro počutili na svojem delovnem mestu in bi z veseljem opravljali svoje delo, se morajo razumeti s sodelavci in nadrejenimi, sicer so napeti in komaj čakajo, da zapustijo svoje delovno mesto. Najbolj pomembna lastnost dobrega počutja so vrednote, saj le te ljudi vežejo. Člani neke socialne skupine z med seboj usklajenimi vrednotami se počutijo dobro, saj so jim pomembne enake oziroma podobne stvari. Nekdo daje prednost zabavi, drugi družini, tretji pa zdravju ali kariernemu uspehu. Zato ob sebi potrebujemo ljudi, s katerimi te naše prioritete delimo. Pomembno dejstvo je, da se bomo na delovnem mestu boljše počutili, če bodo naše karierne vrednote usklajene z vrednotami podjetja. Bolj kot se vrednote razlikujejo, težje bomo delali in manj verjetnosti je, da bomo zjutraj odhajali na svoje delovno mesto z nasmehom na ustih in polni energije.


zadovoljstvo;zaposleni;delo;psihologija dela;pozitivizem;psihologija osebnosti;podjetje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Paska]
UDC: 331.101.32
COBISS: 10296860 Link will open in a new window
Views: 7614
Downloads: 1883
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Well-being and job satisfaction of employees in the work place
Secondary abstract: In recent years of researching developments in companies, humans are recognized as the key factor in all the activities in a company. Human capital is becoming increasingly valuable in maintaining competitiveness in the global marketplace. The dissatisfaction of employees in a company may be reflected in the loss of will to work, the deliberate reduction of work effort, the spreading of discontent among staff, absenteeism, strikes ... The best business strategy is to remove the causes of employee dissatisfaction. This is possible only if the management determines what the causes are and which groups of employees are the most vulnerable to it. Satisfied employees follow their goals and objectives of the company, and prove their effectiveness. In this way they most substantially contribute to the success of the company. Interpersonal relations among employees are crucial for successful work. In order to make people feel comfortable and happy at their jobs and in carrying out their work, they must establish good relations with colleagues and superiors. Otherwise they are tense and can not wait to leave their post. The most important feature of the welfare is values since values bound people together. Members of a social group with the same values feel good because they have the same or similar things in common. Some give priority to fun or family, other to health or career success. Therefore it is important to work with people with whom we share our priorities. It is significant that our career values are in line with company values, so that we feel better at the workplace. The more the values are different, the harder we work, and it is less likely that in the morning we come to our work with a smile on our face and full of energy.
Secondary keywords: positive psychology;subjective emotional well-being;psychological well-being;model of five major personality factors;dimensions of psychological well-being;theoretical interpretation of subjective well-being;politics and well-being of employees;economic indicators and well-being of employees;social relations;religion;culture and well-being;well-being at work;physical and mental health of workers;leisure and well-being;money and well-being;company;satisfied employees;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 101 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;theory and organization of work;relations between business firms and employees;teorija in organizacija dela;odnosi med podjetji in zaposlenimi;ergonomija;
ID: 988507
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