delo diplomskega seminarja
Sabina Čuček (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


Obravnavanje financiranja v podjetju se nanaša na opravila priskrbe, uporabe sredstev, gospodarjenje z njimi ter vračanje sredstev njihovim virom. Pri določanju finančnih ciljev podjetja in pri sprejemanju finančnih odločitev je potrebno nujno spremljati načela financiranja. Podjetje ima pri financiranju svojega poslovanja številne možnosti, med katerimi lahko izbira. Na voljo ima notranje in zunanje vire financiranja. Med zunanjimi je najpomembnejši kredit. Podjetnikom omogoča predvsem nemoteno, gospodarno in kar se da donosno proizvodnjo. Namen diplomskega seminarja je podrobneje predstaviti značilnosti bančnega kredita. Kredit je prenos vrednosti na drugo osebo, bodisi denarja, blaga ali storitev, v upanju da bo ta oseba nekega dne v prihodnosti sposobna in pri volji plačati enako vrednost. Podjetja se zelo pogosto odločajo za bančni kredit, ki ga daje banka. Banka je posrednik na finančnem trgu in ustvari največ prihodkov s kreditnimi plasmaji. Pri kreditnem poslovanju je predvsem navzočo kreditno tveganje. Banka upravlja kreditno tveganje predvsem z ugotavljanjem kreditne sposobnosti kreditojemalca. Bančno kreditiranje ima velik vpliv na gospodarstvo. S kreditiranjem banke pripomorejo k rasti in razvoju podjetij in celotnega gospodarstva.


podjetje;financiranje;finančna sredstva;viri financiranja;krediti;kreditiranje;tveganje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Čuček]
UDC: 334.72
COBISS: 10855964 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1500
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bank credit as a source of corporate financing
Secondary abstract: Treating the financing inside the companies is to bring resources, use resources, handing of resources and invest resources back to the source. By setting the financial goals of the company, by implementing the financial decisions is necessary to follow up the basic rules of financing. Company has by financing its own monetary operations various options, it can choose between them. There are external and internal sources of financing. By external sources most important version is credit. It allows managers undisturbed, economical and good profitability of production. The purpose of the diploma course is to explain in greater detail the characteristics of a bank credit. Credit is the transfer to value to another person, whether money, goods or services, hoping that this person will someday in the future able and willing to pay the same amount. Businesses often decide to use a bank credit, which is given by bank. The bank is an intermediary in the financial market and creates most of revenues with the credit placements. In the credit business the main present is the accelerated credit risk. The bank manages credit risk primarily by determining the creditworthiness of the borrower. Bank lending has a significant impact on the economy. Bank lending to contributes to the growth and development and the overall economy.
Secondary keywords: financing;internal financing;external financing;credit;credit risk;type of credit.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;forms of organization and cooperation in the economy;oblike organiziranja in sodelovanja v gospodarstvu;
ID: 989304
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