diplomsko delo
Miha Pozeb (Author), Jurij Toplak (Mentor), Tadej Dubrovnik (Co-mentor)


S sprejetjem Ustave Republike Slovenije leta 1991 je bil v slovensko pravno ureditev uveden institut obtožbe najvišjih državnih funkcionarjev izvršne oblasti zaradi kršitve ustave in zakonov. Institut ustavne obtožbe (impeachmenta) je predviden za predsednika Republike Slovenije, predsednika vlade in ministre ter je namenjen ugotavljanju njihove odgovornosti za določena protipravna dejanja. Predmet raziskovanja v tej diplomskem delu je pravna ureditev ustavne obtožbe predsednika republike s posebnim poudarkom na analizi ugotavljanja njegove odgovornosti ter ustreznosti ustavne ureditve odgovornosti in ustavne obtožbe predsednika republike. Cilj raziskovanja v tej nalogi je potrditi izhodiščni tezi: • da je veljavna ustavna ureditev odgovornosti in ustavne obtožbe predsednika republike pred ustavnim sodiščem pomanjkljiva ter • da je veljavna zakonska ureditev postopka obtožbe in ugotavljanja odgovornosti predsednika republike pomanjkljiva. Na podlagi analize ustavnih določb, ki se nanašajo na odgovornost predsednika republike in drugih zakonskih določil (predvsem Zakona o ustavnem sodišču, Zakona o parlamentarni preiskavi, Poslovnika državnega zbora, Poslovnika ustavnega sodišča, Poslovnika o parlamentarni preiskavi in drugih), ugotavljam, da je sedanja ureditev odgovornosti predsednika republike pomanjkljiva, saj pušča precej odprtih vprašanj, ki bi v primeru morebitne sprožitve ugotavljanja odgovornosti predsednika republike pomenila veliko oviro pri izpeljavi samega postopka odgovornosti oziroma njegove ustavne obtožbe. Pomanjkljiva ustavna, zakonska (in poslovniška) ureditev bi v postopku ustavne obtožbe predsednika republike sprožila vrsto vprašanj, katerih reševanje bi bilo v času izvedbe postopka močno politično obarvano in argumenti pravne stroke, v pogojih razgretih političnih strasti, bi bili premalo upoštevani. Zato je nujno postopek ugotavljanja odgovornosti predsednika republike urediti v času stabilnih političnih razmer in izključno z argumenti pravne stroke. V nalogi je podan predlog za ustreznejšo ustavno in zakonsko ureditev odgovornosti predsednika republike s procesnega in materialnega vidika, ki je primerljiva z rešitvami v sodobnih demokratičnih družbah in je hkrati najprimernejša za sedanjo stopnjo razvoja demokracije v Republiki Sloveniji. V nalogi je predstavljen institut šefa države in opravljen primerjalni prikaz ureditve položaja šefa države v štirih temeljnih skupinah državnih ureditev oziroma organizacij državne oblasti. Za pravilno razumevanje današnjega položaja šefa države v Republiki Sloveniji je opravljen zgodovinski pregled razvoja te funkcije od leta 1941 do sprejema Ustave Republike Slovenije leta 1991. V nadaljevanju naloge je izvršena primerjava med funkcijo, položajem in pristojnostmi šefa države v Republiki Sloveniji z ustavno primerljivimi ureditvami nekaterih drugih držav (gre za države z uvedeno parlamentarno ustavno ureditvijo). V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni in kritično presojani položaj, funkcija, pristojnosti, predstavljanje, obveščanje, nezdružljivost funkcije, razmerje do drugih državnih organov, vloga, pravice in nadomeščanje šefa države v Republiki Sloveniji. Sledijo pregled, analiza in kritična presoja odgovornosti šefa države, primerjalni prikaz ureditve odgovornosti šefa države v štirih temeljnih skupinah državnih ureditev, institut sopodpisa, politične in materialne odgovornosti, institut imunitete ter institut impeachmenta. Osrednje poglavje naloge predstavlja pregled sedanje ustavne in zakonske ureditve položaja in odgovornosti predsednika republike, postopek ustavne obtožbe predsednika republike, z zelo občutljivim predhodnim delom postopka, ki ga predstavlja morebitna uvedba parlamentarne preiskave, ter predstavitev in utemeljitev ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti in predlogov za ustreznejšo ustavno in zakonsko ureditev odgovornosti predsednika republike ter postopek ugotavljanja njegove odgovornosti pred ustavnim sodiščem. V tem diplomskem delu sta potrjeni uvod


državni zbor;imuniteta;predsednik;ustavna obtožba;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Pozeb]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4019755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4079
Downloads: 543
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: By the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia of 1991, the institute of impeachment of the highest ranking executive state officials due to violation of the constitution and laws has been introduced. The institute of impeachment applies to the President of the Republic of Slovenia, the Prime Minister and ministers. Its purpose is to ascertain their possible accountability for certain illegal actions. The subject matter of this thesis is the investigation of the function of the President of the Republic with a special focus on the analysis of the process of ascertainment of his accountability and the adequacy of the constitutional regulation in respect of this accountability and the impeachment of the President of the Republic. The aim of the investigation is to confirm the starting theses: • that the present constitutional regulation of accountability and of impeachment of the President of the Republic at the Constitutional Court is inadequate and • that the statutory regulation of the procedure of impeachment and ascertaining of the accountability of the President of the Republic is inadequate. Based on the analysis of the constitutional provisions relating to the accountability of the President of the Republic and other legal provisions (primarily the Constitutional Court Act, Parliamentary Investigation Act, Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Court, Rules of Procedure for Parliamentary Investigation and others), it is found that the present regulation as regards the accountability of the President of the Republic is inadequate since it leaves many unanswered questions which, in case of possible institution of a procedure to ascertain the accountability of the President of the Republic, would represent a considerable obstacle in completing such a procedure and/or impeachment of the President. The thesis presents a proposal for a more adequate constitutional and statutory regulation of the accountability of the President of the Republic from the procedural and substantive viewpoint that is similar to solutions in modern democratic societies and at the same time most suitable for the present level of development of democracy in the Republic of Slovenia. The thesis outlines the institute of the head of state and presents a comparative analysis of the regulation of the position of the head of state in four basic types of the system of government and/or organization of the state power. For a proper understanding of the present position of the head of state in the Republic of Slovenia, a historical overview of the development of this function since 1941 till the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia in 1991 is carried out. Following is a comparison of the function, position and competences of the head of state in the Republic of Slovenia with the constitutionally comparable regulation thereof in some other states (with parliamentary system of government). Further on, the position, function, competences, representation, information, incompatibility of the function, relation to other state bodies, role, rights and deputizing of the head of state in the Republic of Slovenia are presented and critically assessed. Following are an overview, analysis and a critical evaluation of the accountability of the head of state, a comparative presentation of the regulation related to the accountability of the head of state in four basic types of the system of government, the institute of co-signing, of political accountability and civil liability, the institute of immunity and the institute of impeachment. The central part of the thesis comprises an overview of the present constitutional and statutory regulation related to the position and accountability of the President of the Republic, the procedure of impeachment of the President of the Republic including the possible institution of the parliamentary investigation being a very delicate preliminary stage of this procedure, and presentation and evaluation of the found deficiencies and of the proposals for
Secondary keywords: National Assembly;Immunity;Impeachment;Accountability;Parliamentary Investigation;President of the Republic;Head of State;Constitution;Constitutional Court.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: IX, 74 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 989741