delo diplomskega seminarja
Jerneja Gjura (Author), Sebastjan Strašek (Mentor)


Večina držav, med katerimi je tudi Slovenija, se v zadnjem obdobju srečuje s problemom zadolženosti državnega proračuna. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili zadolženost kot posledico proračunskih primanjkljajev. Ugotovili smo, da na dolg vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki. Z osamosvojitvijo je Slovenija nekaj dolga sprejela od bivše SFRJ. Najboljše obdobje za državni dolg je bilo med letoma 2007 in 2008, ko je ta leta 2007 po večletnem naraščanju prenehal naraščati in se celo zmanjšal. Z nastopom gospodarske in finančne krize leta 2008 pa se je država začela zadolževati predvsem zaradi visokega proračunskega primanjkljaja. Delno pa tudi zaradi prikritega saniranja bank v obliki bančnih depozitov in pomoči drugim subjektom. Država se zadolžuje na domačih in tujih trgih, kjer uporablja različne instrumente. Slovenija se v zadnjih letih zadolžuje predvsem na domačem finančnem trgu. V strukturi dolga delež zunanjega dolga Slovenije pada, medtem ko delež notranjega dolga narašča. Dolg se različno opredeljuje, zaradi česar lahko prihaja do različnih in napačnih interpretacij. Pri upravljanju z zadolženostjo se uporabljata nacionalna metodologija in metodologija ESA-95. Zelo pomembno je uspešno upravljanje z dolgom in način, kako se Slovenija s tem spopada. Država si mora prizadevati, da si zagotovi čim nižje stroške upravljanja in da je čim manj izpostavljena valutnim, obrestnim in drugim tveganjem. Zadolženost smo tudi primerjali z ostalimi državami Evropske unije. Ugotovili smo, da je v primerjavi z državami članicami EU, Slovenija med manj zadolženimi državami. Zaskrbljujoči je predvsem trend zadolževanja, saj je bil ta med najhitreje rastočimi v zadnjih letih. Slovenija se bo morala premišljeno lotiti in izbrati ustrezno strategijo upravljanja z zadolženostjo v prihodnosti. Pripravljen ima načrt odplačevanja državnega dolga, pri katerem bo šlo veliko denarja za odplačevanje obresti. Nadaljnjega zadolževanje si Slovenija po nekaterih napovedih ne sme več privoščiti, saj bi to privedlo do novega naraščanja obrestnih mer in v tem primeru si lahko obetamo »grški scenarij« dolžniške krize.


javne finance;zadolženost;javni dolg;državni dolgovi;proračuni;primanjkljaj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Gjura]
UDC: 336.27
COBISS: 11296284 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2292
Downloads: 279
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Borrowing of national budget in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Many countries, including Slovenia, have recently been facing problems of government budget debt. The theoretical part presents debt as a result of budget deficits. It was concluded that debt is affected by some other factors as well. By gaining independence, Slovenia inherited some debt from the former SFRY. The best period for government debt was in years 2007 and 2008, where, in 2007, the debt following several years of increase ceased to increase and actually declined. With the emergence of economic and financial crisis in 2008, the state began to incur debt, mostly due to high budget deficit. The debt was partly incurred also due to hidden bank rehabilitation in form of bank deposits and help to other entities. The state incurs debt both on home and foreign markets using different instruments. In recent years, Slovenia has been incurring debt predominantly on the domestic financial market. In terms of debt structure, the percentage of Slovenia's external debt is decreasing while its internal debt is increasing. The debt itself is defined differently which makes it subject to different and wrong interpretations. When dealing with debt management, national and ESA-95 methodologies are used. A very important issue is successful debt management and the way Slovenia is dealing with this issue. The state has to strive for as low management costs as possible, and to be exposed to foreign exchange and interest rate risks, as well as other risks in a least possible manner. The debt was also compared to other European Union countries. It was determined that, compared to EU member states, Slovenia is among states with less incurred debt. What is alarming is the trend of incurring debt since Slovenia's has been among the fastest growing in recent years. Slovenia will therefore have to carefully address and choose a proper strategy for future debt management. It has prepared a plan for the repayment of government debt where huge amounts of money will be spent on the repayment of interests. By some forecasts, Slovenia cannot afford to incur more debt since this could lead to the reoccurrence of interest rates and, consequently, very possibly to the "Greek scenario" of debt crisis.
Secondary keywords: debt;public debt;budget deficit;debt structure;public finances;government budget;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 52 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;finance;finance;public revenue;
ID: 991481
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