diplomsko delo
Andreja Kozel (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Razveza zakonskih ali zunaj zakonskih partnerjev (v nadaljevanju razveza partnerjev) dandanes ni več redkost. Statistični podatki kažejo, da v Sloveniji razpade vsaka tretja zakonska zveza. Razveza partnerjev je lahko stresna tako za starša kot tudi za otroka. Otroci ob razvezi staršev trpijo, zato morajo starši otrokom prenesti novico s čim večjo občutljivostjo, tako da bo za otroka to čim manj boleče. Otroci se pogosto čutijo krive za razvezo staršev, zato morajo starši glede na otrokovo starost primerno oblikovat pogovor, ki bo otroku dal občutek, da razveza nikakor ni njegova krivda. Seveda se otroci na novico o razvezi različno odzovejo. Na to vpliva njihova starost, okolje in okoliščine, v katerih odraščajo, otrokov karakter in pa seveda tudi starši. Pri razvezi partnerjev je zelo pomembno, da skušata starša zgladiti nesporazume in se ne prepirata v otrokovi navzočnosti. Vendar pa starši prepogosto ob razvezi pozabijo na otrokove potrebe in postavijo svoje potrebe pred njegove. Tako se lahko med staršema vname boj za skrbništvo nad otrokom. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih (v nadaljevanju ZZZDR) določa, da se morata starša sama sporazumeti, pri kom bo otrok živel. Če se o tem ne moreta sporazumeti sama, odloči o tem sodišče. Prav tako mora sodišče upoštevati mnenje otroka, starega nad 15 let in ki je dovolj razsoden, da sam pove, pri katerem od staršev ali tretji osebi želi živeti. Razveza partnerjev je za otroka lahko psihično zelo naporna, kar vpliva na njegov uspeh v šoli, na njegovo samozavest in samopodobo, lahko zaide v slabo družbo, se vda drogi in ne nazadnje lahko razveza staršev vpliva tudi na kasnejše slabše zdravstveno stanje. Starši se ne zavedajo, da nad otrokom izvajajo psihično nasilje s tem, ko otroci nemo opazujejo in poslušajo prepire staršev, tudi prepire glede skrbništva. Premalo se zavedajo, da je že sama razveza brez prepiranja za otroka naporna in stresna. Otrok nenadoma ostane brez enega od staršev, zgodi se lahko, da se mora privaditi na novo okolje, novo šolo, pridobiti mora nove prijatelje, kar je v otroških letih, ki bi morala biti brezskrbna in polne otroških vragolij, zelo naporno in stresno.


družinsko pravo;razveza partnerjev;psihično nasilje;pravice otrok;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Kozel]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4144939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5208
Downloads: 398
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Nowadays a divorce of married or cohabitants partners (furthermore a divorce of spouses) is not a rarity anymore. According to the statistics every third Slovenian domestic partnership undergoes divorce. Divorce is as stressful for the parents as it is for the child. During a divorce children suffer a great deal of emotional stress, that is why the parents are obliged to approach such an incident in a very sensitive manner, so it is as painless for the child as possible. Children often feel responsible for the divorce, which is why the parents need to establish a conversation accordingly to the child’s age and assure the child that it does not carry any guilt connected to the divorce. Of course every child responds to the news differently. The reaction is influenced by the child’s age, environment and the surroundings in which the child grows up, also the child’s character and of course, parents themselves. It is extremely important, during a divorce process, for the parents to try and resolve any misunderstandings and omit arguing in the presence of the child. However, in too many situations parents forget about the child’s needs and give priority to their own. This is also a reason why a battle for child custody arises. By the definition of Family law, the parents are obligated to find an agreement with whom the child will live. If they are incapable of deciding themselves, the court makes the decision. Additionally, if the child is fifteen years of age and commonsensible, therefore able to express with which of the two parents or a third person the child would like to live, the court has to take the child’s opinion into consideration. A divorce is emotionally difficult for the child and can affect the educational success, acquisition of self-confidence, bad companionship, drugs and it may also result in ill health. Parents are not aware of the emotional violence they implement on the child, whilst the child numbly observes and listens to disputes, especially regarding custody. We are barely aware of the impact a divorce has on the child even without the altercation. The child suddenly remains without one parent, is possibly forced to adopt to a new environment, new school and needs to gain new friends, which results in a rather difficult childhood contrary to a carefree and lively one.
Secondary keywords: family;divorce;emotional violence;child’s rights;child;child’s benefit;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 67 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 991511