diplomsko delo visokostrokovnega študijskega programa
Vladimir Vratarič (Author), Bojan Žlender (Mentor), Borut Macuh (Co-mentor)


Pridobivanje geotermalne energije iz globokih geotermičnih virov predstavlja najbolj kompleksen način izrabe katerega koli obnovljivega vira energije, saj zahteva izrazito fazni in interdisciplinarni pristop širokega spektra stroke, tako tehnične, ekonomske, pravne in okoljevarstvene. V diplomskem delu so prikazani najpomembnejši elementi, njihova soodvisnost ter prepletanje, ki vplivajo na to, da bi geotermalni projekt za izrabo globokih geotermičnih virov lahko bil uspešen, da bi bil torej tehnično izvedljiv, ekonomsko upravičen, »pravno pokrit«, da bi zadovoljil vse strožje okoljevarstvene standarde. Sinteza vplivnih segmentov je prikazana v osnovni analizi dveh aktualnih geotermalnih projektov, in sicer celovitega daljinskega ogrevanja v Mestni občini Murska Sobota, oz. njegovi 1. fazi izvedbe, to je projektu Turistični center Fazanarija – Energetski del, ter predvidenem projektu kogeneracije, to je soproizvodnji električne energije in toplote iz geotermalne energije, pri katerem naj bi v skrajnem primeru, kot prvič v Sloveniji, bila uporabljena tudi tehnika hidravličnega frakturiranja, oz. t. i. Hot-Dry-Rock sistem izkoriščanja.


geotermalna energija;geotermalni potencial;globoki geotermični viri;geotermalni projekt;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [V. Vratarič]
UDC: 502.171:550.836(043.2)
COBISS: 16515094 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3212
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The planning of exploitation of geothermal energy in the municipality of Murska Sobota
Secondary abstract: Acquisition of geothermal energy from deep geothermal sources is the most complex method of exploitation of any renewable energy sources because it requires highly phasic, multi-disciplinary approach across a wide spectrum of professions, such as technical, economic, juridical and environmental. In the diploma work are shown the most important elements and their interdependence, interlacing, which influence to the project for the exploitation of geothermal resources and it can be successful, it would therefore be technically feasible, economical, legal, as well as to satisfy strict environmental standards. Synthesis of influential segments is shown in the basic analysis of the two current geothermal projects, namely a comprehensive district heating in the city of Murska Sobota, or his first implementation phase, this is the project of the Tourist Center Fazanarija energy part, and the envisaged project of cogeneration, that is cogeneration of electricity and heat from the geothermal energy, which should be in case of necessity, as the first time in Slovenia, used the technique of hydraulic fracture or so called Hot-Dry-Rock system of exploitation.
Secondary keywords: geothermal energy;geothermal potential;deep geothermal resources;geothermal project;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: IX, 155 f.
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;the environment and its protection;varstvo okolja;mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;earth sciences;geological sciences;geologija;ancillary sciences of geology etc;;applied geology and geophysics;geological prospecting and exploration;interpretation of results;
ID: 992146
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