diplomsko delo
Miha Strmčnik (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Stavbna pravica je bila v slovenski pravni red uvedena 1. januarja 2003, ko je pričel veljati temeljni predpis na področju stvarnega prava pri nas, Stvarnopravni zakonik (v nadaljevanju: SPZ) . Je sorazmerno nova stvarna pravica, ki pa jo je slovenska praksa že pričela uporabljati, vendar menim, da potencial stavbne pravice ni dovolj izkoriščen. Bistvena prednost stavbne pravice je ta, da omogoča izjemo od sicer temeljnega načela, načela enotnosti zemljišča in objekta (»superficies solo cedit«), kar omogoča lastništvo zgradbe, brez lastništva zemljišča. Stavbna pravica lahko nastane na podlagi enostranskega ali dvostranskega pravnega posla, kar bom podrobneje preučeval v nadaljevanju. Bolj kompleksno pa je urejeno njeno prenehanje, saj lahko preneha po redni poti z iztekom časa in tudi predčasno, poleg tega pa nanjo, tako kot na ostale stvarne pravice vplivata tako zaznamba stečaja kot zaznamba izvršbe, katerih učinki so precej kompeksni in jih bom skušal pojasniti. S sprejemom novele Zakona o zemljiški knjigi (ZZK – 1C), ki je stopila v veljajo 5. aprila 2011 je bila uvedena popolna informatizacija zemljiške knjige, kar vpliva tudi na drugačno vpisovanje stavbne pravice v zemljiški knjigo. V diplomskem delu se bom omejil predvsem na nastanek in prenehanje stavbne pravice, prikaz njenih številnih prednosti, poskušal bom podati predlog kako spodbuditi pogostejšo uporabo stavbne pravice v praksi. Nadalje bom prikazal njeno vpisovanje v elektronsko zemljiško knjigo in na kratko predstavil ureditev stavbne pravice v Nemčiji in Avstriji, od koder tudi izvira.


nepremičnine;stavbna pravica;zemljiška knjiga;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Strmčnik]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4407851 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5316
Downloads: 1091
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Building right was introduced into Slovenian legal system in the 1 January of 2003 with the implementation of the Law of Property Code (»LPC«). Building right is relatively new material right, but is already established in Slovenian practice, however I believe that its potential is much bigger. Building right represents an exception to the fundamental principle »Superficies solo cedit« and its main quality is demonstrated in the delimitation of property right on land and property right on building. Building right can be created by either unilateral or multilateral contract, which I will later present more thoroughly. Its cancellation is much more complex. It can be terminated because the time has expired or before the expiration of time. Building right is also effected by annotation of execution and annotation of insolvency. Those two annotations have really complicated effects, and I will try to explain those effects in my diploma work. On the 5 April of 2011 we have finally completed the process of computerization of the Land Registry. We have accomplished that by the adoption of the Land Registry act (ZZK – 1C novel). That also means that the entry of Building right is now different. In my diploma work I will present the entry of Building right and its cancelation, and especially its main qualities. I will also try to make a suggestion on how Building right can be used more often. Further more I will present how the Building right is now entered into computerized Land Registry and how Building right is legally regulated in Austria and Germany, because Building right derives from Germany.
Secondary keywords: Building right;property;building;termination of Building right;creation of building right;land registry.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 28 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 992179
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