diplomsko delo
Boštjan Tomić (Author), Boštjan Brezovnik (Mentor)


Samoupravna lokalna skupnost predstavlja upravno politično enoto, kateri država priznava (dodeli) določene pristojnosti glede urejanja javnih zadev ter pravno subjektiviteto. Lokalna samouprava zato hkrati pomeni večjo ali manjšo stopnjo samostojnega, bolj ali manj od države neodvisnega upravljanja z lokalnimi zadevami s strani prebivalcev lokalne skupnosti. Ena izmed pomembnih nalog občin, kot temeljnih samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti, je razpolaganje in upravljanje s stvarnim in finančnim premoženjem. V javnem interesu je, da občine razpolagajo s svojim premoženjem čimbolj racionalno in transparentno. Ravno zaradi tega je Republika Slovenija po osamosvojitvi sprejela različne predpise, ki se nanašajo na problematiko razpolaganja z javnimi sredstvi, kot na primer Ustavo Republike Slovenije /Ustava RS/ (Uradni list RS, št. 33/1991-I, 42/1997, 66/2000, 24/2003, 69/2004, 68/2006), Zakon o lokalni samoupravi /ZLS-UPB2/ (Uradni list RS, št. 94/2007, 27/2008-odl. US, 76/2008, 100/2008-odl. US, 79/2009, 14/2010-odl. US, 51/2010, 84/2010-odl. US), Zakon o financiranju občin /ZFO-1/ (Uradni list RS, št. 123/2006, 101/2007-odl. US, 57/2008, 94/2010-ZIU, 36/2011), Zakon o javnih financah /ZJF-UPB4/ (Uradni list RS, št. 11/2011), zakon, ki ureja javno naročanje, predpise, ki urejajo področje javno-zasebnega partnerstva, Zakon o stvarnem premoženju države in samoupravnih lokalnih skupnostih /ZSPDSLS/ (Uradni list RS, št. 86/2010), itd. Ustava RS določa, da se občina financira iz lastnih virov; država občinam, ki zaradi slabše gospodarske razvitosti ne morejo v celoti zagotoviti opravljanja svojih nalog, v skladu z zakonsko določenimi načeli in merili zagotovi dodatna sredstva. Zakon o lokalni samoupravi določa, da so občine osebe javnega prava s pravico posedovati, pridobivati in razpolagati z vsemi vrstami premoženja. Premoženje občine sestavljajo nepremične in premične stvari v lasti občine, denarna sredstva in pravice. Občina mora s premoženjem gospodariti kot dober gospodar. Zakon o financiranju občin ureja vire financiranja občin, problematiko zadolževanja in izdajanja poroštev občin, sofinanciranje nalog in investicij občin, nadzor. Zakon o javnih financah ureja sestavo, pripravo in izvrševanje občinskih proračunov, upravljanje s premoženjem občin, zadolževanje občin, poroštva občin, upravljanje njihovih dolgov, računovodstvo in notranji nadzor javnih financ ter proračunsko inšpiciranje. Zakon o stvarnem premoženju države in samoupravnih lokalnih skupnostih ureja načela ravnanja, postopke ravnanja ter akte ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti.


samoupravna lokalna skupnost;občine;premoženje;upravljanje;razpolaganje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Tomić]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4303147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3325
Downloads: 238
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A self-governing local community represents an administrative political unit, which is granted certain authorities by the country in order to regulate public affairs and legal subjectivity. Therefore, local self-government also means a greater or lesser degree of autonomous, more or less independent administration of local affairs by local residents. One of the important functions of municipalities as the main self-governing local communities is the disposal and management of physical and financial assets. Rational and transparent use of assets owned by municipalities is in the public interest. This is the main reason why, after gaining independence, the Republic of Slovenia adopted various provisions relating to the issue of disposing public assets, such as the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 33/1991-I, 42/1997, 66 / 2000, 24/2003, 69/2004, 68/2006), Local Self-Government Act / ZLS-OCT2 / (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 94/2007, 27/2008-Odl.US, 76/2008, 100/2008-Odl.US, 79/2009, 14/2010-Odl.US, 51/2010, 84/2010-Odl.US), Act on Local Finances / ZFO-1 / (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 123/2006 , 101/2007-Odl.US, 57/2008, 94/2010-ZIU, 36/2011), Public Finance Act / ZJF-UPB4 / (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 11/2011), the act regulating public procurement, regulations regulating public-private partnership, Law amending the Law on physical assets of the state, regions and municipalities / ZSPDSLS / (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 86/2010), etc. The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia provides that municipalities are financed from their own resources. The state provides additional resources to those municipalities which cannot fully ensure execution of their duties in accordance with statutory principles and criteria due to their lesser economic development. The Local Self-Government Act provides that municipalities are public entities with the right to possess, acquire and dispose all types of property. The property owned by municipalities consists of real estate and movable assets, finances and rights. A municipality must manage its property with all due diligence. The Act on Local Finances regulates the sources of municipality financing, the issues of borrowing and issuing guarantees by the municipalities, co-financing of tasks and investments of municipalities, and control. The Public Finance Act regulates the composition, preparation and implementation of municipal budgets, managing the assets of municipalities, municipal borrowing and issuing guarantees, debt management, accounting and public finance internal control and budgetary inspections. Law amending the Law on physical assets of the state, regions and municipalities provides principles of conduct, procedures, and acts regulating the disposal of physical assets of self-governing local communities.
Secondary keywords: self-governing local communities;a municipality;property;management;disposal;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 42 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 994420