diplomsko delo
V mojem diplomskem delu se bom ukvarjala z analizo cestnih otrok ter njihovo uprizoritvijo v romanu Charlesa Dickensa Oliver Twist. Predstavila bom tudi življenje cestnih otrok v času vladanja kraljice Viktorije in ga primerjala z življenjem cestnih otrok v 21. stoletju. Diploma nas vodi skozi življenje in dela Charlesa Dickensa. Ugotovila bom, kateri dogodki so vplivali na Dickensa, da je napisal roman Oliver Twist. Prikazala bom tudi kratko vsebino romana Oliver Twist ter predstavila razliko med življenjem cestnih otrok v 19. in v 21. stoletju. V diplomi bodo predstavljeni primeri cestnih otrok v romanu Oliver Twist, ki jih bom natančneje razložila. Na koncu bom dodala tudi primerjavo o življenju cestnih otrok v 19. in v 21. stoletju.
Dickens;Charls;Oliver Twist;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2012 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[B. Kocbek] |
UDC: |
821.111.09(043.2) |
Views: |
1647 |
Downloads: |
125 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Street children in Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist |
Secondary abstract: |
In my diploma, I was engaged in an analysis of street children and its interpretation in the novel of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist. I will also present the life of street children in the time of Queen Victoria which I will compare to the life of street children in the 21st century. My diploma takes us through the biography and works of Charles Dickens. It continues with Dickens's novel Oliver Twist, where we find out, which events have made an influence on Dickens and on his novel Oliver Twist. I will also present a short summary of Oliver Twist, and I will also make a distinction between the lives of street children in the 19th century and in the 21st century. In my diploma, I will present examples of street children in the novel Oliver Twist, which I will also explain. At the end, I will also make a comparison between the lives of street children in the 19th century and in the 21st century. |
Secondary keywords: |
diplomska dela;Angleška književnost;Oliver Twist;otroci;ceste; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko |
Pages: |
[6], 33 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;literature;književnost;literatures of individual languages and language families;književnost posameznih jezikov;literature of germanic languages;germanske književnosti;english literature;angleška književnost; |
ID: |
994661 |