delo diplomskega seminarja
Nastja Lešnik (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


Poslovna kultura velja za spremenljivko, ki ne sme biti zanemarjena. Poznavanje poslovne kulture zaznavamo kot ključ, ki odpira vrata povsod po svetu. Če bi vsak podjetnik, ki vstopa na mednarodno tržišče, v našem primeru na tržišče Brazilije, Kitajske in Nemčije, poznal vsaj nekatere poslovne značilnosti, ki smo jih raziskali in opredelili, bi s tem lahko izboljšal kvaliteto poslovanja, in bi bil pripravljen na možna tveganja. Kot naš predlog bi podali, da se moramo pri poslovanju s tujimi kulturami znebiti več vrednot lastne kulture, ter raje spoznati tujo kulturo, se ji prilagoditi in jo spoštovati. Ko smo že enkrat prisotni na tujem tržišču, moramo ravnati skladno z njim, kajti le tako bomo razumeli njihov način razmišljanja in poslovanja. Kot osnovno ugotovitev smo želeli izpostaviti dejavnike, na katere morajo poslovneži biti pozorni, kadar poslujejo z Brazilijo, Nemčijo in Kitajsko, da bo njihovo poslovanje uspešno, dobičkonosno ter prijetno za obe vpleteni strani. Danes se okolje neizmerno hitro spreminja in tudi tržne poti postajajo drugačne. Poslovna kultura pa vendarle v večini ostaja enaka. Skozi pisanje diplomskega seminarja smo ugotovili, da so nekateri poslovneži prisiljeni vpeljati nekatere spremembe, čeprav jim kultura narekuje drugače. Tako Kitajci ne marajo konkretnih stikov z rokami in se pozdravljajo samo s priklonom, vendar so v današnjem poslovnem svetu spremenili svoje navade. Navadili so se na rahel stisk roke, čeprav jim to ni najbolj pogodu.


mednarodno poslovanje;poslovna kultura;kultura;poslovno okolje;poslovni bonton;medkulturna komunikacija;primerjalna analiza;Brazilija;Nemčija;Kitajska;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Lešnik]
UDC: 316.722(81:430:510)
COBISS: 11215132 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2528
Downloads: 230
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂA ǂcomparative analysis of selected european, asian and latin-american business cultures
Secondary abstract: Business culture is a changable thing which should not be neglected. Knowing the business culture is the key which opens the doors all over the world. If each businessman who enters the international markets (in our case Brazil, China and Germany) knew something about the characteristics of business making that we researched and defined, he could improve the quality of business making and he could also be prepared for the possible risks. Our suggestion would be to forget about our own cultural values and to get acquainted with the foreign ones, to adapt them and to respect them. When doing business in foreign countries we should act in the way which is acceptable there, because that's the only way to understand their way of thinking and doing business. The basic thing was to put out the factors which business people should keep in mind when trading in Brazil, China and Germany, so that their trading will be successful, profitable and nice for the both involved sides. Nowadays the environment is changing very quickly and so are the ways of marketing. But the business culture mostly stays the same. While writing the diploma work we found out that some of the businessmen have to accept changes, too, although their culture says different. For example the Chinese don't like touching with hands, so they used to greet with a bow, but today they had to accept a gentle shaking of the hands although they don't like it.
Secondary keywords: Business culture;Brazil;Germany;China;Cultural differences;Business surroundings;Business manners;Intercultural agreements;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;sociology of culture;cultural context of social life;sociologija kulture;mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;mathematics;matematika;fundamental and general considerations of mathematics;osnove matematike;teorija množic;matematična logika;
ID: 994957