diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Sara Fideršek (Author), Marjana Simonič (Mentor), Matjaž Kristl (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti učinkovitost pralne krogle Wellos. Opravili smo fizikalno-kemijsko analizo pralne vode z različnimi načini uporabe pralnih sredstev, ocenili smo kvaliteto opranega perila, opravili rentgensko analizo sestave pralne krogle in statistično obdelali zbrane podatke sto družin o pogostosti pranja s pralnimi sredstvi ter uporabi pralne krogle. Ugotovili smo, da je voda po pranju s kroglo manj motna in prevodna v primerjavi z drugimi pralnimi sredstvi. Primerjava kvalitete opranega perila, na katerega smo nanesli trdovratne madeže je pokazala, da je pralna krogla Wellos učinkovita z dodatkom 20 % pralnega sredstva in dobro odstranjuje madeže. Difraktogrami so pokazali, da je krogla sestavljena iz mulita, mikroklina in kremena, ki povišajo hidrofobne interakcije med nepolarnimi molekulami, kar poveča odstranjevanje nečistoč. Glede na zbrane podatke ugotavljamo, da je uporaba pralne krogle zelo nizka. Rezultati vseh opravljenih analiz v okviru diplomskega dela so pokazali, da z uporabo pralne krogle lahko znižamo vnos tenzidov v okolje za 80 %, da dosežemo enako kvaliteto opranega perila.


pralne krogle;tenzidi;keramične kroglice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Fideršek]
UDC: 628.16.084(043.2)
COBISS: 16709910 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2176
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Efficiency of Wellos washing ball
Secondary abstract: The aim of this diploma work is to examine the efficiency of Wellos washing ball, which has been chosen due to more economical washing comparing to other detergents. We have carried out the physico-chemical analysis of washing water using different kinds of detergents, the quality of laundry with a strong stain after cleaning was compared, the X-ray analysis of the washing ball structure was performed and statistical analyses of washing ball usage in Slovenia was performed. The physico-chemical analysis of washing water using washing ball showed that the turbidity and conductivity of the water were lower comparing to other detergents' treated water samples. We have compared the laundry washed using different washing media. The washing ball Wellos is the most efficient with an addition of 20% of washing powder. Diffractograms showed that the washing ball consists of mulite, microcline and quartz which increase hydrophobic reactions between non-polar molecules and reduce dirtiness. Due to the results of statistical analysis the percentage of families using the washing ball is very low. Based on all results we can conclude that the detergents' impact on environment can be reduced by 80 % if we use washing ball.
Secondary keywords: washing ball;surfactants;ceramic balls;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 49 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;public health engineering;water;sanitation;illuminating engineering;sanitarna tehnika;zdravstvena tehnika;voda;sanitarne naprave;svetlobna tehnika;water supply;water treatment;water consumption;oskrba z vodo;priprava vode;uporaba vode;
ID: 996348
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