diplomsko delo
Diplomsko delo predstavlja prislov in členek v slovensko pisanih slovnicah 19. in 20. stoletja. Analiza temelji na primerjavi opisov poglavij o prislovu in členku v slovnicah Valentina Vodnika Prismenost in grammatika za perve shole (1811), Kratka slovenska slovnica za pervence (1847) Jožefa Muršca, Slovenska slovnica za perve slovenske šole (1849) Frana Malavašiča, Slovnica s kratkim pregledom slovenskega slovstva (1854) ter Slovenska slovnica za domačo in šolsko rabo (1863) Antona Janežiča, Slovenska slovnica za srednje šole (1884) Josipa Šumana, Slovenska slovnica za srednje šole (1916, 1934) Antona Breznika, Slovenska slovnica (1956) štirih avtorjev (Anton Bajec, Mirko Rupel, Rudolf Kolarič, Jakob Šolar), Slovenske slovnice iz let 1976, 1984 in 2000 slovničarja Jožeta Toporišiča ter Slovenska slovnica in jezikovna vadnica (1991, 2009) Franceta Žagarja. Analiza je pokazala, da je prislov v slovnicah 19. stoletja obsežno obdelan, medtem ko členka kot besedne vrste ne obravnavajo. V slovnicah 20. stoletja sta obravnavani obe besedni vrsti. Pojavijo se razlike pri poimenovanju prislova v 19. stoletju, prav tako pri delitvi na vrste prislovov. Večina avtorjev slovnic prislove deli na podlagi vprašalnic po pomenu, le en avtor pa na podlagi besednovrstnega izvora. V 20. stoletju prihaja do poenotenja mnenj nekaterih avtorjev slovnic, kar se kaže že pri poimenovanju prislova in predvsem pri klasifikaciji, kjer velika večina loči prislove po pomenu in po izvoru hkrati. Za lažjo predstavo so razlike in podobnosti prislova ter členka razvrščene v preglednicah.
slovenščina;zgodovina jezika;prislovi;členki;20. st.;19. st.;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2012 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[D. Brodnjak] |
UDC: |
811.163.6ʼ36ʺ18/19ʺ(043.2) |
Views: |
2549 |
Downloads: |
209 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Adverb and participle in Slovene grammar books of the 19th and 20th centurys |
Secondary abstract: |
In this diploma paper the adverb and the participle in Slovene written grammar books of the 19th and 20th centuries are presented. The analysis is based on the comparison of descriptions of the adverb and the participle in grammar books by Valentin Vodnik Literacy and Grammar for Initial Education (1811), A Short Slovene Grammar for First-graders (1847) by Jožef Muršec, Slovene Grammar for Slovene Initial Education (1849) by Fran Malavašič, Grammar with a Short Review of Slovene Literature (1854) and Slovene Grammar for Home and School Use (1863) by Anton Janežič, Slovene Grammar for Secondary Schools (1884) by Josip Šuman, Slovene Grammar for Secondary Schools (1916, 1934) by Anton Breznik, Slovene Grammar (1956) by four athors (Anton Bajec, Mirko Rupel, Rudolf Kolarič, Jakob Šolar), Slovene Grammar books of 1976, 1984 and 2000 by the grammarian Jože Toporišič as well as Slovene Grammar and Language Practice Book (1991, 2009) by France Žagar. The analysis has shown that the adverb received detailed treatment in grammar books of the 19th century, whereas the participle as a part of speech was not dealt with. Both parts of speech were discussed in the grammar books of the 20th century. In the 19th century different terms were used for the adverb, and the division of different kinds of adverbs varied as well. Most grammar book authors divide adverbs on the basis of question words used to establish their meaning, and only one author divides them on the basis of origin. In the 20th century the opinions of some grammar book authors seem to have become more uniform which is evident from the terms used for the adverb and, above all, from the classification where the majority of authors divided adverbs on the basis of their meaning as well as their origin. To make the differences and similarities of the adverb and the participle more evident, they are presented in tables. |
Secondary keywords: |
Slovene language;grammar (book) of the Slovene language of the 19th century;grammar (book) of the Slovene language of the 20th century;adverb;participle; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti |
Pages: |
71 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;linguistics and languages;jezikoslovje in jeziki;languages;jeziki;slavic / slavonic languages;slovanski jeziki;south slavic / slavonic languages;južnoslovanski jeziki;slovenian / slovene language;slovenščina; |
ID: |
997589 |