diplomsko delo
Tanja Podlesnik (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi je obravnavan stvarnopravni institut, in sicer institut služnosti. Obravnavan je tako z vidika teorije kot z vidika prakse, saj sem vsakemu institutu služnosti dodala primere iz sodne prakse. Služnost je pravica, ki omogoča imetniku služnosti, da uporablja tujo stvar ali izkorišča pravico. Lastnika služeče stvari pa zavezuje k nekemu trpljenju, saj mora ta nekaj opustiti oziroma dopustiti, vendar pa ga ne zavezuje k nekemu aktivnemu ravnanju. Služnost nastane na podlagi pravnega posla, zakona in na podlagi sodne odločbe. Služnost se deli na dve veliki skupini, in sicer na stvarno in osebno služnost. Stvarna služnost je pravica vsakokratnega lastnika gospodujoče nepremičnine uporabljati služečo nepremičnino ali od njenega lastnika zahtevati, da opušča določena dejanja. Ustanovi se v korist vsakokratnega lastnika gospodujoče nepremičnine v breme vsakokratnega lastnika služeče nepremičnine. V nalogi je obravnavana tudi osebna služnost, ki se vedno ustanovi v korist točno določene fizične ali pravne osebe. Posebnost te vrste služnosti je v tem, da je časovno omejena. V primeru, da se ustanovi v korist fizične osebe lahko traja najdlje do njene smrti, v primeru pravne osebe pa samo 30 let. Druga posebnost osebnih služnosti pa je, da je njihova vsebina natančno zakonsko opredeljena. Iz tega izhaja, da je tudi njihovo število omejeno. Obstajajo samo tri vrste osebnih služnosti, in sicer užitek, raba in služnost stanovanja. Vse tri vrste so v diplomskem delu natančno opredeljene. V diplomski nalogi sem obravnavala tudi varstvo služnosti, in natančneje opisala tožbe, ki jih imata na voljo obe stranki služnostnega razmerja v primeru kršitev njunih pravic.


civilno pravo;stvarno pravo;služnost;stvarna služnost;osebna služnost;sodna praksa;užitek;raba;služnost stanovanja;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [T. Podlesnik]
UDC: 347.26(043.2)
COBISS: 4437035 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2478
Downloads: 428
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis discusses the property institut, the institute easements. It is discussed both in therms of theory and in therms of practise, as I added each institute easements examples from the case law. Easement is a right that allows the holder of an easement to use a foreign thing or to exploit the right. The owner of the servient thing is bound to some suffering, as it must abandon or allow something. In any event, an easement can not bound the owner to an active handling. The easement can be created with legal business, with the law and the order of the court. Easement is divided into two major groups, to real and personal easement. The real easement is a right of the respective owner of the dominant estate to use the servient estate or to ask its owner to abandoned certain acts. It is established for the benefit of the respective owner of the dominant estate and in a burden of the respective owner of the servient estate. The thesis also deals with personal easement which is always established for the benefit of a specific natural or legal person. The peculiarity of this easement is that it is limeted in time. If it is established in the benefit of natural person it may take the longest to her death, in case of a legal person it may take only 30 years. Other specialty of the personal easements is that their content is precisely defined by law. The resulting is that they are also limited in number. There are only three types of personal easements and they are enjoyment, use and easement housing. All three species are well – defined in my graduation theses. In graduation thesis I also discussed the protection of the easement, and I accurately described the actions that are available to both parties of the easement in case of infringement of their rights.
Secondary keywords: easement;real easement;personal easement;case law;Slovenian property code;enjoyment;use;easement housing;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: V, 57 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;civil law;civilno pravo;law of realty;real rights;things;chattels;stvarno pravo;nepremičnine;premičnine;
ID: 997685
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