primer podjetja X
Blaž Širca (Author), Sebastjan Strašek (Mentor)


V predloženem diplomskem delu so predstavljeni vidiki, katere mora podjetja upoštevati pri oblikovanju cene izdelka. Obravnavan praktični primer deluje na monopolnem trgu, zato je ustvarjalec cene (price maker). Monopolni trg omogoča svobodo vodilnim pri postavitvi cen, vendar je na drugi strani kupna moč trga omejena. Za maksimalno izkoriščen tržni položaj mora podjetje najprej definirati svoj osnovni cilj, oceniti stroške, analizirati cene na tujih tržiščih, dejavnike gibanja cen, značilnosti povpraševanja. Vse pridobljene informacije umesti v svoje trženjsko okolje in v skladu s svojo vizijo izbere najprimernejšo metodo oblikovanja cene. Vsako izbrano metodo je priporočljivopodkrepiti z metodo oblikovanja prodajnih cen glede na povpraševanje. Za boljšo odzivnost publike pa je smotrno končno ceno oblikovati tako, da združuje prvine navidezno ugodne cene. Podjetju X je z upoštevanjem teh kriterijev do sedaj uspelo z izdelkom zadovoljiti cilje, ki si jih je pred začetkom poslovanja zadalo. Uspešno so s svojim pristopom vzbudili potrebo po novem izdelku in postavili ceno, ki je zadovoljila tako porabnika kot proizvajalca.


cene;oblikovanje cene;metode;monopoli;stroški;povpraševanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Širca]
UDC: 338.5
COBISS: 11247388 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5612
Downloads: 1790
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pricing
Secondary abstract: Different aspects, which should be considered when pricing a product are outlined in the thesis.Practical example is based on the monopoly market in Slovenia, where a company is so called price maker. Monopolistic marketallows freedomwhen establishing the product pricebut the management should consider the limited buying power of the market. To make the best of the market position one company has to define its primary objective, assess the costs, analyse prices in foreign markets, define the determinants of price and demand characteristics. Considering this informationa a company has to select the most appropriate method of pricing. Every choosen method should besubstantiated with a method of pricing considering the demand on the market.Toimprovethe responsivenessof the audience the final price should be formed in a way in which elements of a fictive good price are combined. Company X managed to fulfil its aims following mentioned criteria. They were successful at arousing interest and need for the new product and determing the price that satisfies both consumer and producer.
Secondary keywords: price;pricing;pricing in monopoly market;pricing methods;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 50 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;economic situation;economic policy;management of the economy;economic planning;production;services;prices;menedžment gospodarstva;gospodarsko načrtovanje;proizvodnja;storitve;prices;price formation;costs;cene;oblikovanje cen;stroški;
ID: 998288
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