magistrsko delo (bolonjski študij)
Magistrsko delo obravnava letni dopust z vidika pridobitve pravice in njegove izrabe. Pravica do letnega dopusta predstavlja temeljno socialno pravico, priznano v vseh najpomembnejših mednarodnih dokumentih in tudi v pravu EU. Posebna pozornost v magistrskem delu je namenjena analizi nacionalne zakonodaje in sodne prakse ter opravljeni primerjavi z zavezujočimi mednarodnimi pravnimi viri in novejšo sodno prakso Sodišča EU.
Prvi del magistrskega dela je posvečen obravnavanju pridobitve pravice bodisi do celotnega bodisi do sorazmernega dela letnega dopusta, pri čemer je v okviru slednje dan poudarek na pridobitvi dopusta v primeru, da delavec med koledarskim letom zamenja delodajalca. Institut letnega dopusta ureja tudi dve materialni pravici, in sicer nadomestilo plače in regres za letni dopust.
Drugi sklop magistrskega dela je namenjen vprašanju izrabe letnega dopusta s poudarkom na prenosu neizrabljenega letnega dopusta v naslednje obdobje v primeru nastopa takšnih osebnih okoliščin, ki onemogočajo izrabo letnega dopusta v tekočem letu (npr. bolniški stalež, starševski dopust). Na podlagi analize obravnavanega področja je moč ugotoviti, da slovenska ureditev v tem delu ni v skladu z ureditvijo mednarodnih pravnih virov in sodno prakso Sodišča EU. V okviru izrabe letnega dopusta je posebna pozornost namenjena tudi nadomestilu za neizrabljen plačan letni dopust, ki predstavlja substitut za letni dopust v primeru, ko le-tega zaradi prenehanja delovnega razmerja ni mogoče več izrabiti.
delovno pravo;letni dopusti;zaposlitve;denarna nadomestila;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2012 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[N. Kerec] |
UDC: |
349.2(043.2) |
Views: |
3901 |
Downloads: |
785 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Right to annual leave and question of utilization |
Secondary abstract: |
The Master's thesis deals with annual leave from the perspective of the acquisition of rights and its use. The annual leave entitlement represents a fundamental social right recognized in all major international documents and also in the EU law. In the Master's thesis special attention is devoted to the analysis of national legislation and law practice, and to comparisons with binding international legal resources, and later law practice of the EU Court of Justice.
The first part of the Master's thesis is devoted to discussing the acquisition of the right either to the whole or a proportionate part of annual leave, while in the later the emphasis is on obtaining the leave in the case of a change of employer during the calendar year. The institute of annual leave also covers two substantive rights, namely salary compensation and holiday allowance.
The second part of the Master's thesis is dedicated to the question on the annual leave use with the emphasis on the transfer of unused annual leave into the next period in the case of such personal circumstances that disable the use of annual leave during the current year (e.g., sick leave, parental leave). Based on the analysis of the discussed field it is evident that the Slovenian legislation in this part is not in accordance with the organization of international legal resources and law practice of the EU Court of Justice. In the context of annual leave use special attention is also devoted to the compensation of unused paid annual leave, which presents a substitute for annual leave in the case when it is impossible to utilize it because of the employment termination. |
Secondary keywords: |
annual leave entitlement;employment at another employer;annual leave use;transfer of unused annual leave;benefit for unused holiday;law practice.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
VII, 80 str. |
Keywords (UDC): |
social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;special branches of law;miscellaneous legal matters;posebne veje prava (socialno pravo;pravo varstva okolja;nuklearno pravo); |
ID: |
998717 |