diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Enisa Turalić (Author), Maja Leitgeb (Mentor), Lidija Fras Zemljič (Co-mentor)


Za doseganje protimikrobnih lastnosti tekstilnih materialov obstajajo številne metode funkcionalizacij. Pri večini teh metod se še zmeraj uporabljajo reagenti, ki so človeku in okolju neprijazni, saj lahko vsebujejo anorganske soli, fenole in tiofenole, antibiotike, derivate formaldehida, itd. Zlasti aktualen na področju funkcionalizacije tekstilij je hitozan. Tako kot v farmaciji in kozmetiki je tudi na področju razvoja medicinskih tekstilij trend v uporabi nanodelcev za doseganje funkcionalnosti vlaken oz. tkanin. Tako imajo nanodelci hitozana kot adsorbat za tekstilijo številne prednosti pred samo raztopino hitozana. Namen naloge je bil izvesti primerjavo med hitozanom in nanodelci hitozana z vidika potencialne uporabnost hitozana kot adsorbata za funkcionalizacijo površin celuloznih vlaken. Izvedeni so bili postopki adsorpcije hitozana in nanodelcev hitozana iz tekočega medija na površino celulozne matrice. Funkcionalizirana celulozna vlakna so okarakterizirana s fizikalno-kemijskega kot tudi protimikrobnega značaja. Ugotovili smo, da se nanodelci hitozana v primerjavi s hitozanom (aminske skupine) na površino vlaken adsorbirjo v večji količini in ima večjo vsebnost dostopnih aminskih skupin, ter tako dajejo posledično boljše protimikrobne učinke.


hitozan;viskozna vlakna;impregnacija;potenciometrična titracija;zeta potencial;nanodelci;protimikrobna učinkovitost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [E. Turalić]
UDC: 544.1:677.1.017(043.2)
COBISS: 16703766 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1826
Downloads: 313
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The characterization of adsorption of chitosan nanoparticles on cellulose matrix
Secondary abstract: To achieve the antimicrobial properties of textile materials, there are many methods of functionalization. In most of these methods are still used reagents for human and environment not friendly, as they may contain inorganic salts, phenols and tiofenole, antibiotics, derivatives of formaldehyde, etc. Particularly topical in the functional treatments is chitosan. Just as in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics is also in the field of medical textiles trend in the use of nanoparticles to achieve the functionality of fiber or fabric. Chitosan nanoparticles as adsorbate to textiles has numerous advantages over the solution of chitosan. The purpose of this thesis is to carry out a comparison between the chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles regarding potential use of chitosan as an adsorbate for fuctionalization of cellulose matrix. We performed procedures of chitosan adsorption from a liquid medium to the cellulose matrix. The physical-chemical (determining the functional group of the fibres) and antimicrobial properties of functionalized cellulose fibres have been characterised. We concluded that chitosan nanoparitcles, if compared to the chitosan (amino groups), adsorbs a larger quantity on the fibre surface and has a higher content of available amino groups and consequently better antimicrobial effects.
Secondary keywords: chitosan;nanoparticles;viscose fiber;impregnation;potentiometri titration;zeta potential;antimicrobial activity;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XII, 42 f.
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;chemistry;crystallography;mineralogy;kemija;physical chemistry;fizikalna kemija;chemical structure of matter;kemijska struktura snovi;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;textile industry;tekstilna industrija;bast fibres (fibres from dicotyledon stems);hard fibres (fibres from monocotyledon leaves and fruit);vlakna iz ličja;stebelna vlakna dvokaličnic;trda listna in plodovna vlakna enokaličnic;
ID: 998852
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