delo diplomskega seminarja
Matej Briševac (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


Globalizacija je svetovni fenomen, ki ga čutimo vsi. V osnovi je globalizacija zakonitost delovanja trga, ki pa ima več pasti in priložnosti kot nacionalna gospodarstva. Kljub mnogim raziskavam še vedno ni povsem znan pojem in mnogi avtorji ga razlagajo različno. Širši pogled na globalizacijo vključuje tudi gibanje ljudi, znanja, kulture ter politične integracije. Vendar sem se v svojem delu omejil le na ekonomsko globalizacijo. Sam proces globalizacije traja že stoletja in ni moč ugotoviti, kdaj in kje natančno se je pojavil. Njegove posledice se močneje čutijo v razvitih državah kot v manj razvitih. Kapital je bistvena sestavina proizvodnje zato se morajo države boriti, da ga pritegnejo. Ravno pri privabljanju kapitala prihaja do izraženosti poslovanje v bolj razvitih državah, saj se trgovina odvija preko telefonov in računalniških omrežij, kjer imajo razvite države prednost pred nerazvitimi. Ker so podjetja trajno izpostavljena konkurenci, skušajo svoje tržne pozicije ohranjati ali pa jih izboljšati, pri tem pa prihaja do ovir obdavčenja in nadzora države nad multinacionalkami. V nasprotju z ljudmi lahko kapital zapusti državo, če ga je država predhodno obdavčila. Takšen kapital se lahko kasneje investira v katero drugo državo, ki ima bolj ugodne pogoje za investiranje, kar pa je za nekatere moralno sporno. Države prejemnice tujega kapitala povečujejo svoj dohodek zaradi povečanja produktivnosti dela, vendar so soočene z uničevanjem okolja, pretiranim izčrpavanjem virov ter izogibanjem davka v državi t. i. transferne cene. Tudi razvojni oddelki običajno ostajajo v matični državi, iz države gostiteljice pa zaposlujejo najkvalitetnejše kadre, kateri neredko odidejo v matično državo družbe. Države skušajo pritegniti čim več kapitala s spodbudami, saj tuje neposredne investicije spodbujajo gospodarstvo in odpirajo nova delovna mesta. Rast tujih neposredni naložb, ki smo jih bili deležni v preteklih 10 letih in so delno posledica spodbud, katere daje država za vlaganja v Slovenijo, kažejo, da smo kot država uspešni pri privabljanju tujega kapitala. Kljub nenehni rasti investicij se postavi vprašanje, ali bi lahko pritegnili še več tujih investicij.


globalizacija;tuje investicije;neposredne tuje investicije;tuji kapital;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Briševac]
UDC: 339.727
COBISS: 11221276 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3732
Downloads: 342
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovenia in globalization
Secondary abstract: Globalization is a worldwide phenomenon, being experienced by all of us. Basically, globalization is a law of the functioning of the market, which has more traps and opportunities than national economies. Despite many researches the term still is not commonly known and many authors define it differently. A wider view on globalization includes the movement of people, knowledge, culture and political integrations. However, in the thesis I limited myself only to economic globalization. The process of globalization takes on for centuries and we cannot identify, when and where exactly did it start. Its consequences are felt more strongly in developed countries than in less developed. Capital is the essential component of production; therefore countries need to fight to attract it. Precisely in attracting capital it comes to outstanding of the business operations more in developed countries, since the sales takes place over phones and computer networks, where developed countries are ahead of the underdeveloped. Because companies are exposed to competition, they try to maintain their market positions or improve them. While doing so they are facing obstacles of taxing and control of the state over multinational companies. In contrast to people, capital can leave the country, if the state previously taxed it. Such capital can be later invested in another country, which has more favourable investing condition – which is for some a moral issue. Recipient countries of foreign capital increase their income due to an increase of the work performance, but they are facing environmental damages, excessive depletion of resources and avoiding the tax in the country of the so called transfer pricing. Departments for development commonly stay in the domestic country and employ the most quality staff in the guest country, which often migrates to the country of origin of the company. Countries try to attract the most possible capital with incentives, since foreign direct investments encourage the economy and open new work places. The growth of foreign direct investments, we have received over the past 10 years, which are partially a consequence of incentives of the state to invest in Slovenia, show that we as a country are successful in attracting foreign capital. Despite the constant growth of investments the question arises, if we could attract even more foreign investments.
Secondary keywords: - globalisation - indicators to measure globalisation - foreign direct investments - reasons for direct investing;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 38 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;trade;commerce;international economic relations;world economy;trgovina;tržišče;marketing;international finance;mednarodne finance;mednarodna plačila;mednarodni denarni trg in trg kapitala;mednarodne banke;
ID: 999239
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