diplomsko delo
Miroslav Pretnar (Avtor), Jurij Toplak (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava ureditev zakonodajnega postopka v Sloveniji, pri čemer poseben poudarek namenja razčlenitvi in uporabi določil poslovnika državnega zbora. Ker zakonodajni postopek predstavlja nekakšno stičišče politike in prava, je toliko bolj zanimiv za preučevanje in primerjavo teoretično-pravnega vidika na eni, z njegovim uporabno-praktičnim vidikom na drugi strani. Na tej podlagi avtor sprotno izpostavlja predvsem posamezne pomanjkljivosti veljavne ureditve zakonodajnega postopka ter navaja konkretne predloge izboljšav ali vsaj nakaže vsebinske usmeritve zanje, ki bi omogočali njegov učinkovitejši potek. V začetnem delu naloge so predstavljeni nosilci zakonske iniciative, ki po slovenskem ustavnem redu lahko sprožijo zakonodajni postopek, ter njihove obveznosti pri uresničevanju te pravice. Zaradi izpolnjevanja vse bolj zahtevnih vsebinskih pogojev ob pripravi in vložitvi predloga zakona v zakonodajni postopek, naloga odpira vprašanje upravičenosti tovrstnega omejevanja zakonske iniciative ter usmerja odgovornost za kvalitetno pripravljene predloge zakonov predvsem na vlado. V prikazu poteka rednega zakonodajnega postopka so sprotno izpostavljene razlike med preteklo in sedanjo poslovniško ureditvijo, ki je razumno omejila možnosti za razpravo ter na ta način pospešila postopek. V luči tovrstnega razlikovanja je veljavni poslovnik na novo opredelil vloge in odgovornost udeležencev zakonodajnega postopka, pri čemer je težišče odločanja prenesel na delovna telesa državnega zbora. Avtor pri tem opozarja na nekatere pomanjkljivosti takšne ureditve, ki v praksi omogočajo zlorabo zakonodajnega postopka, ter v izogib temu predlaga razmislek o ustreznih spremembah poslovnika. V nadaljevanju naloge so podrobneje opredeljeni posebni zakonodajni postopki, ki bi se načeloma morali uporabljati zgolj v izjemnih primerih. Statistični podatki in praktične izkušnje dokazujejo, da temu ni tako, zato je pozornost usmerjena predvsem k iskanju vzrokov za prepogosto uporabo posebnih zakonodajnih postopkov. Doslednejše spoštovanje veljavnih poslovniških določil ali zaostreni pogoji uporabe posebnih postopkov predstavljata alternativni možnosti za rešitev tega vprašanja. Odprto pa ostaja tudi vprašanje morebitnih poslovniških sprememb postopka ponovnega odločanja o zakonu ter posledično večje vloge državnega sveta v zakonodajnem postopku, čemur državni zbor doslej ni prisluhnil. Verjetno bo zato v prihodnje morala politika dokončno odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali državni svet sploh še potrebujemo oziroma kakšna naj bo njegova vloga v zakonodajnem postopku. Zadnji del naloge je pozornost namenil poslovniškima institutoma, predhodne obravnave in javne predstavitve mnenj, ki lahko prispevata koristen vsebinski doprinos k sprejemanju odločitev v zakonodajnemu postopku. Upoštevaje pretekle izkušnje, bi državni zbor moral uporabi obeh institutov nameniti več časa in pozornosti, saj je, zlasti pri pomembnejših zakonskih predlogih, smotrno preveriti stopnjo sprejemljivosti oziroma podpore posameznim rešitvam. Še tako kvalitetno pripravljeni predlogi zakonov ter optimalna poslovniška ureditev zakonodajnega postopka pa sama po sebi ne pripomoreta k njegovi večji učinkovitosti. Po avtorjevem prepričanju je za dosego tega cilja nujna tudi primerna organizacija dela v državnem zboru, zlasti pa politična volja in kultura vseh udeležencev zakonodajnega postopka.

Ključne besede

zakonodajni postopki;poslovnik državnega zbora;obravnave;amandma;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Pretnar]
UDK: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4193579 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1958
Št. prenosov: 410
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis addresses the set-up of the legislative procedure in Slovenia, laying special emphasis on the subdivision and application of the provisions in the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly. As the legislative procedure represents a kind of juncture between politics and law it is hence an even more interesting subject for examination and comparison between the theoretical legal aspect on the one hand and the aspect of practical application on the other. It is based on this that the author throughout the progress of the examination sets out particularly the individual deficiencies of the set-up of the legislative procedure in force while presenting concrete proposals for improvements or at the very least indicating substantive orientations thereof that would contribute to a more efficient operation of the legislative procedure. The first part of the thesis presents the holders of legislative initiative, who according to the constitutional order of Slovenia are granted the right to initiate the legislative procedure, and their obligations concerning the implementation of this right. Due to the ever growing requirements regarding the substantive conditions that apply to the preparation and submission of an act proposal to the legislative procedure the present thesis raises the question of the legitimacy of such limitations to the legislative initiative and directs the responsibility for the quality of the act proposal preparation mostly onto the government. The outline of the ordinary legislative procedure course is accompanied by setting out the differences between the previous arrangements pertaining to the Rules of Procedure and the ones currently in force, the latter having reasonably limited the possibilities for debate and thereby accelerated the procedure itself. In the light of such modification, the Rules of Procedure in force have identified the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the legislative procedure anew, whereby the backbone of decision making has been carried over to the working bodies of the National Assembly. Regarding this, the author points out certain deficiencies of such a set-up, as it may in practice allow abuse of the legislative procedure, and suggests considering appropriate changes to the Rules of Procedure to avoid such abuse. In continuation, the thesis presents a detailed definition of special legislative procedures which should in principle apply only in exceptional cases. Statistical data and past experience, however, show that this is not the case, therefore the focus is laid particularly on exploring the reasons for a too frequent application of special legislative procedures. A more consistent compliance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure in force or stricter conditions on the application of special legislative procedures represent alternatives to solve the issue in question. What also remains open is the issue of possible changes to the Rules of Procedure regarding act proposals returned to the legislative procedure and consequently the issue of a greater role of the National Council in the legislative procedure, which insofar the National Assembly has not taken into consideration. Politics will therefore in the future probably have to address the question of whether there is still even a need for the National Council or what kind of role it should take on in the legislative procedure. The final part of the thesis focuses on the two institutes of the Rules of Procedure, namely the preliminary reading and public presentation of opinions, which can substantively and beneficially contribute to the decision making in the legislative procedure. Based on the past experience, the National Assembly should dedicate more time and attention to the application of both the institutes mentioned, as it is wise, particularly with act proposals of greater importance, to examine the level of acceptance or support to individual solutions. Even a high quality of act proposal preparation and an optimal set-up of the Rules of Procedure are, however, not per
Sekundarne ključne besede: Legislative procedure;Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly;act proposal;reading;amendment.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Strani: 65 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1002686