diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov
Petra Jeras (Avtor), Miha Marič (Mentor), Gozdana Miglič (Komentor)


Zaposleni so srce podjetja, gonilna sila, ki podjetju daje dušo, celotno podobo. Pomembno je, kako se zaposleni počuti na delovnem mestu in kakšno energijo širi med druge sodelavce, zato se veliko organizacij odloči motivirati svoje zaposlene na različne načine. Nagrade spodbujajo zaposlene k boljši produktivnosti in zadovoljstvu na delovnem mestu, s čimer delajo v korist podjetja in so kot taki tudi ciljni kader vsake organizacije. Zaposleni si želijo imeti čim boljše delovne razmere, dobro delavno ozračje in dobro plačilo. Če tega v delovnem okolju ni, zmanjka motivacije za premagovanje delovnih ovir. Težava se lahko pojavi v podjetjih, ki ne poskrbijo za vsakodnevno motiviranost, kar lahko vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v podjetju. Posledično zaposleni na delo prihajajo nezadovoljni in tako se lahko zgodi, da postanejo neproduktivni. Tak delavec nerad hodi na svoje delovno mesto, širi negativizem in tako škoduje podjetju. Podjetje se mora zavedati, da bo najlažje izpolnilo zadane cilje takrat, ko bo zaposleni dobil občutek pripadnosti, da jim nekaj pomeni in da ni zgolj številka v njem. Ker je uspeh podjetja odvisen od zaposlenih, smo se odločili, da bomo v diplomski nalogi podrobno raziskali motiviranost in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v založbi Rokus Klett. Raziskava je zajemala področje motivacije in zadovoljstva zaposlenih z delom. Spraševali smo se, kako so zaposleni zadovoljni z delovnim okoljem in kako doživljajo organizacijsko vzdušje. Hkrati pa nas je zanimalo, ali je glavni motiv zaposlenih denarna nagrada ter kako so motivirani zaposleni. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 33 zaposlenih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so zaposleni zadovoljni z delovnimi razmerami (oprema, prostor) in delom, ki ga opravljajo, saj je ta odgovor dobil povprečno oceno 3,91, k dobri oceni pa so prispevali tudi dobri medsebojni odnosi (povprečna ocena 4,12) in medsebojno zaupanje (povprečna ocena 4,15). Potrdile so se trditve, da so denarne nagrade, kot je plača, največji motivator za delo v založbi, saj se je zanjo odločilo 18 anketiranih (52,73 %), takoj za njo pa sledi nedenarno nagrajevanje, za katerega se je odločilo 15 vprašanih (48,32 %).

Ključne besede

motivacija;motivacijske teorije;zadovoljstvo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [P. Jeras]
UDK: 159.9
COBISS: 7948819 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1017
Št. prenosov: 110
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Motivation and satisfaction of employees in publishing house Rokus Klett, d. o. o.
Sekundarni povzetek: Employees are the heart of the company, its driving force that gives the company its sould and its whole image. It is important how the empleyee feels on his/hers workplace and what kind of energy is being forwarded to other coworkers. That is why most companies decide to motivate its employees with rewards. These rewards motivate their employees to better productivity and job satisfaction, since the organisations are looking to get a good staff that would want to work for the benefit of the company. The employees wish to have the best working conditions, good working environment and a good salary. If the latter is not in the working environment, we run out of motivation to overcome the barriers at work. This problem is usuall found in companies that do not provide everyday motivation which could infuence the satisfaction of the employees. As a consequence the employees come to work uhappy and it may occur that they become unproductive. An employee like that does not like to come to work, spreads negativity which causes damage to the company. The organisation should be aware that the best way to complete its goals is when an employee gets the feeling of belonging to the organisation, to mean something to it and that he/she is not only a number in the organisation. Because the succes of the company depends on its staff, we have decided that this thesis will consist of detailed research of motivation and satisfaction of employees in Rokus Klett Publishing. The survey is covering the area of motivation and satisfaction of employees with their work. We have wondered how employees are satisfied with the work environment, and how they percieve the organizational climate. At the same time we wanted to know if the main motive is financial reward and in what other ways the employees are motivated. This survey involved 33 employees. It has been found that the severity of the satisfaction with working conditions (equipment, space,), and the work they perform shows for well rated with average of 3.91, to good grading also contributed good relationships and mutual trust. The claims have also been confirmed that financial rewards like salary are the biggest motivator for working in this publishing house, atleast it is so thought by 18 (52,73%) of participants followed by nonfinancial rewarding with 15 (48,32%) participants.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Motivation;Motivational theories;Satisfaction;Rewarding;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: 40 f.
ID: 10842646
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov