magistrsko delo
Mihela Predikaka (Avtor), Tjaša Ivanc (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava področje civilnega prava, natančneje postopek v sporih majhne vrednosti, ki ga Zakon o pravdnem postopku uvršča med posebne postopke. Postopek v sporih majhne vrednosti je zasnovan tako, da sta zaradi nizke vrednosti spornega predmeta v ospredje postavljeni načelo ekonomičnosti in pospešitve postopka. Da ne bi prišlo do situacije, ko bi stroški postopka bili višji od vrednosti spornega predmeta, je zakonodajalec v postopkih v sporih majhne vrednosti oblikoval posebna pravila, ki odstopajo od pravil rednega pravdnega postopka in zreduciral nekatere faze rednega pravdnega postopka. Ker postopek v sporih majhne vrednosti temelji na načelu pisnosti, komunikacija med strankami poteka na podlagi pisnih vlog, v katerih stranke navajajo vsa dejstva in predlagajo dokaze. Zakon o pravdnem postopku pod določenimi pogoji dopušča možnost izdaje sodne odločbe brez izvedbe glavne obravnave. Vendar pa mora sodišče v skladu z najnovejšo ureditvijo uvedeno z novelo ZPP-E vedno razpisati glavno obravnavo, če tako zahteva katera od strank. Novela ZPP-E je na novo uredila tudi institut obrazložitve sodbe in s tem ni samo pospešila postopka, ampak tudi razbremenila sodnike. V magistrskem delu sem analizirala zakonsko ureditev v postopku v sporih majhne vrednosti ter z analizo sodne prakse ugotovila, kje v praksi nastajajo težave. Prav tako sem predstavila novosti, ki jih je uvedla novela ZPP-E na področju spora majhne vrednosti in podala razloge za spremembe. Postopek v sporu majhne vrednosti sem tudi primerjala s tujo pravno ureditvijo in analizirala morebitne podobnosti ali razlike.

Ključne besede

spor majhne vrednosti;postopek v sporih majhne vrednosti;novela ZPP-E;glavna obravnava;obrazložitev sodbe v sporih majhne vrednosti;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: M. Predikaka]
UDK: 347.769(043.3)
COBISS: 5548075 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1497
Št. prenosov: 286
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Act amending the civil procedure act - small clains procedure with judical practice analysis
Sekundarni povzetek: This master's thesis deals with civil law, specifically with small claims procedures, which are classified as special procedures by the Slovene Code of Civil Procedure. Small claims procedures are devised with a focus on the cost-effectiveness and the speeding up of such procedures. The legislator designed special rules in small claims procedures that deviate from regular civil procedures, so that the procedural costs could not eclipse the value of the matter at issue and to reduce certain phases of the ordinary legislative procedure. Since the procedures in small claims cases are based in writing, communication between the parties is achieved via written forms, in which the parties reference the facts and suggest evidence. The Code of Civil Procedure permits the implementation of a judicial decision without a main hearing. However, in accordance with the newest legislature implemented via the Act amending the Civil Procedure Act, the court must bring the case to a trial if any of the parties so wishes. The Act amending the Civil Procedure Act introduced new regulations regarding the justification of a court order, thus not only speeding up procedures, but also relieving the burden on the judges. This master’s thesis analysed the regulations for small claims procedures and discovered via a case-law analysis where problems come up. In addition, it describes the innovations in small claims procedures that came with the Act amending the Civil Procedure Act and the reasons why they were introduced. Furthermore, small claims procedures were compared with foreign legislations and any potential similarities or differences were analysed.
Sekundarne ključne besede: small claims procedure;small claims case;Act amending the Civil Procedure Act;main hearing;court order justifications in small claims procedures.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: IV, 63 str.
ID: 10903994