magistrsko delo
Nina Mezinec (Avtor), Jana Rapuš-Pavel (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu se ukvarjam s poklicnim stresom in psihosocialno pomočjo pri gasilcih, reševalcih in policistih. Najprej v teoretičnem delu predstavljam stres v posameznikovem življenju, stres in izgorelost na delovnem mestu ter poklicni stres teh posredovalcev pomoči. Podrobneje predstavim tudi specifike vsakega izmed teh poklicev ter kako posamezne situacije vplivajo na pojav stresa. Dotaknem se še posameznih vrst stresa ter različnih stresorjev, ki pri posamezniku vplivajo na pojav stresa. Predstavim tudi simptome, ki kažejo na to, da je posameznik pod vplivom stresa ter kdaj je potrebno pri zdravljenju le-teh poiskati zdravniško pomoč. Ker so gasilci, reševalci in policisti pri izvajanju intervencij velikokrat priče travmatskim dogodkom, se v teoretičnem delu osredotočam tudi na travmo in post-travmatsko stresno motnjo. V magistrskem delu je v ospredju obstoječa oblika psihosocialne pomoči pri gasilcih, reševalcih in policistih ter njen pomen in vloga pri krepitvi pozitivnih strategij soočanja s stresno ali travmatično situacijo ter pri zmanjševanju začetne stresne reakcije, nastale zaradi travmatskega dogodka. V delu predstavljam organizacijske in osebne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav stresa pri zaposlenih v teh poklicih ter predlagam ukrepe za zmanjševanje njegovih posledic. V kvalitativni raziskavi predstavljam izsledke treh fokusnih skupin s predstavniki teh poklicev. V raziskavi sem preučevala dejavnike na delovnem mestu gasilcev, reševalcev in policistov, ki poleg intervencij vplivajo na zaznavanje stresa. Sem spadajo delovnik, vodstvo, odnosi ter izmensko delo in izobraževanja. Zanimale so me še morebitne razlike v obstoječih modelih psihosocialne pomoči ter razlike teh treh poklicnih skupin v zaznavanju stresnih dogodkov in vrst intervencij, v katerih posredujejo. Za sodelujoče v vseh treh poklicnih skupinah so najbolj stresne tiste intervencije, kjer so vključeni otroci, njihovi znanci/bližnji ter intervencije, ki so se končale s smrtjo. Za policiste so še posebno stresna posredovanja v primeru družinskega nasilja. Tekom raziskovanja sem ugotovila, da večina sodelujočih še ni izkoristila ponujene pihosocialne pomoči in podpore, kljub temu da opažajo posledice stresa na delovnem mestu in v domačem okolju. Zaradi tabuizacije psihosocialne pomoči imajo sodelujoči različne predloge za spremembe tega področja, kot so operativna sposobnost ponudnikov psihosocialne pomoči, večja prisotnost zaupnikov ter pristnejši odnos psihologov in drugih izvajalcev psihosocialne pomoči. Namen magistrskega dela je bil podrobneje preučiti stres pri delu gasilcev, reševalcev in policistov, saj si ta zaradi svoje specifičnosti zasluži posebno obravnavo. Gasilci, reševalci in tudi policisti so v svojih odgovorih izrazili pritisk javnosti, ki ga med posredovanjem občutijo, saj javnost od njih pričakuje, da bodo v vsakem trenutku vse rešili. Občani te posredovalce pomoči večinoma vidimo samo v njihovi reševalski vlogi, vse premalo pa se zavedamo, da so lahko prav oni skrite žrtve nesreč.

Ključne besede

gasilci;reševalci;policisti;poklicni stres;psihosocialna pomoč;travma;primeri dobrih praks;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Mezinec]
UDK: 159.944.4:36(043.2)
COBISS: 12050505 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1066
Št. prenosov: 171
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Psychosocial support for firemen, policemen, and paramedics with work-related stress
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master’s thesis, I deal with the professional stress and psychosocial support of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers. Firstly, in the theoretical part, I present stress in an individual’s life, stress and burnout at the working position, and professional stress of these assistance providers. I also present specifics of each of these professions in more detail and how individual situations influence the emergence of stress. I mention individual types of stress and various stressors which influence the emergence of stress in an individual. I also present the symptoms which indicate that an individual is under the influence of stress and when it is necessary to seek medical help in treating these symptoms. Because of the fact that firefighters, paramedics, and police officers witness traumatic events on many occasions, I focus on trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in the theoretical part. The existing form of psychosocial support of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers, and its significance and role in strengthening positive strategies of coping with the stressful and traumatic situation, and in reducing initial stressful reaction which occurs because of the traumatic event, are all in the forefront of the master’s thesis. In the thesis, I present organizational and personal factors which influence the emergence of stress in the employees in these professions, and I propose the measures for reducing its consequences. In the qualitative research, I present the findings of the three focus groups with the representatives of these professions. In the research, I studied the factors in the working position of the firefighters, paramedics, and police officers which influence stress detection in addition to interventions. These factors are working hours, management, relationships, shift work, and education. I was also interested in possible differences in the existing models of psychosocial support and differences between these three professional groups in sensing stressful events and the types of interventions which they intervene in. For the participants in all three professional groups those interventions are the most stressful, where children and their acquaintances/relatives are involved, and interventions which resulted in death. For the police officers, especially stressful interventions are those where domestic violence is involved. During the research, I realized that most of the participants did not yet use the offered psychosocial assistance and support, even though they detect the consequences of stress at work and in the domestic environment. Because of the tabooization of the psychosocial support, the participants have various proposals in order to alter this field, such as the operational ability of the providers of the psychosocial support, the increased presence of confidants, and warmer attitude of psychologists and other performers of psychosocial support. The purpose of the master’s thesis was to study stress in the work of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers in more detail, as it deserves a special discussion because of being very specific. Firefighters, paramedics, and also police officers expressed the pressure of the public in their responses. They feel this pressure while being on interventions, as the public expects from them to solve everything in every single moment. Citizens see these assistance providers mostly through their assistance role. All too little we realize that they can also be invisible victims of accidents.
Sekundarne ključne besede: mental stress;duševni stres;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 118 str.
ID: 10944851